My daughter has been on max doses of laxido and senna since 6 months and we've never got to watery poo. Infact, she mostly does type 4. Any explanations as to why?In August I upped her laxido only as occasionally she would have tiny poo marks in her pants - it wasn't thick, smelly or dark & she was pooing regularly. The increase lead to larger poos (a sign of constipation I thought from past experience)
October a xray showed moderate faceal loading. Peadeatrician refusing to do a repeat to see if she is clear.
Bowel clinic very unhelpful.
Her ttg level is raised though and celiac screening <0.2. Dr has requested second opinion.
Long & short - has anyone experienced disimpactation where the child's bowel get clear but without rusty tea? And has anyone had type 4 poo on full dose (months in) & knows why.