Hi everyone,
I'm new on here, my Son's nursery teacher recommended the site. My boy is 4 years old and starts school in September. He is fully potty trained with wee and is dry at night. My problem is POO!! He will absolutely not poo on the toilet!
I have tried the following:
Reward Charts
Promised him a really amazing present that he really wants if he does 10 poo's on the toilet
Getting angry about it
ignoring it
Being nice about it
Talking to him about it
an app called poo land
Letting him do it on the potty
Reading books about it
sitting with him whilst he does it
Letting him take the tablet in with him
Putting him on the toilet every 15 mins
you name it, I've tried it, all to no avail! He knows when he needs to go, as he will tell me, so I put him on the toilet and nothing. Pull his pants back up and 2 minutes later he's done it all in his pants! I don't think its a problem with his bowels as he would wait until I put his nappy pants on at night before he was dry to do it in them. I have spoken to a health visitor, she has advised to put the potty where he used to go to do a poo which was always somewhere quiet and layer it with kitchen roll, which I have tried but he just looked at me as if I was crazy! She also told me to not even talk about it in front of him to anyone and not mention it when changing him, it makes no difference, when I'm changing his pants for the fifth time in the day he's just blabbing on about Paw Patrol!!
I am getting seriously concerned, he starts school in September and I'm terrified he will still be doing this then!! Also, I am going through pants at a rate of knots!!
If anyone can help me I would be so very, very grateful!!
From a desperate Mother x