Our health visitor has referred us to our enuresis clinic, but I was wondering if there was anything I can do while we wait (3 months...)?
A bit of background -
When my daughter was 18 months old, I noticed that she was waking up dry every morning, so I started putting the potty out and taking her nappy off. By 19 months, she was out of nappies day and night, although she needed my support to use the potty of course. I was always there to help her and remind her.
As she got a bit older, she would have accidents, but I always put it down to regression - we moved house 3 times in 6 months (it was crazy!), and then I was pregnant and had a baby. The baby is now one year old, we are settled in our home (I will never move house again!) and she is happy at nursery school.
But the daytime wetting hasn't stopped. I've recently come to realise that the regressions haven't actually been regressions at all - I have always been there to remind her and help her to the toilet, and the times when I've been busy with the move or the baby have been when she's wet herself more because I haven't been reminding her as much.
I think she's always struggled with this, but I have masked it through my support/reminders.
I also don't think she recognises when her bladder is full. I think she knows she needs to wee, but it's not consistent, and I have witnessed her sitting on the floor and urine just sort of poured out, and she didn't even react? There was no conscious effort to urinate, this was obvious.
It's confusing, because she does sometimes take herself to the toilet. She does sometimes tell me she needs to go. She isn't constipated, and never has been. She will take herself to the toilet for a poo, no problem.
I'm starting to think that she might have some sort of physical issue. I really don't know where to go from here. She has been quite poorly recently, and I've resorted to putting her in pullups because she just couldn't get to the toilet, and I couldn't ask her if she needed a wee because she was sleeping so much. All of our sofas have been soaked by her accidents. I'm going to have to replace our furniture, but can't do that for a while yet! I fear that keeping her in pullups is making this problem worse, but she's constantly wetting herself - up to 5x day.
I feel terrible for getting cross with her, but I have in the past. It's so frustrating. I have been dealing with this for her entire life, practically. I know that treatment isn't often recommended for under fives, but she's been out of nappies for so long and this has gone on since the beginning, surely that needs to be considered?
What can I do now, to help us cope until our appointment?
What can I say at our appointment for them to take this seriously? I'm so worried we'll be brushed off until she's five and in full time school.