Yay we have been refered!! I knew my daughters daytime wetting was a problem. We did a input output chart and she had to wee 26 times in one day her bladder only held around 70ml. I felt so bad for her having to try and deal with this while everyone including me shouted at her for wetting herself. We r waiting to see a specialist and are starting oxybutynin next week. Just wanted anyones advice/opinion on this as you are the only people who actually fully understand what we r all going through, so glad i joined this forum.
Daytime wetting : Yay we have been refered!! I knew my... - ERIC
Daytime wetting
Well done on getting the referral, and good luck. I am not really in a position to give advice yet (see my post re my son) as we have only just been referred, but hope things improve for you soon.
Well done, that's a great step forwards......! Glad you've found this forum for support on the road ahead as sadly for our kids there are still no magic answers! Wish there was more support out there but I have become mildly addicted to this site, especially on "bad accident days", as it stops me from feeling so isolated. Big hug to all x
I have heard that oxybutynin doesnt seem to work half the time. How long was your daughter on it before they decided to try a different approach?
She was on it for about 4 months.....although knowing what I know now, it may have actually been helping but I just didn't know what to look for in terms of progress!
Let me explain that comment......we were put on Oxybutynin by local peadiatrician, who frankly left me with zero confidence that she was even certain about the diagnosis of what condition she was treating and seemed to be going for a trial and error approach. I wasn't told what to expect and so assumed that this drug would just help stop accidents happening which it didn't. I now know that because of the severity of my daughters muscle spasms (Overactive Bladder) the first step was to relax those muscles, which in turn would help her bladder be able to stretch (because it was only holding c100ml max at a time), which ultimately should mean we can then reduce the spasms and finally retrain the bladder to hold on when it should.
That was never going to happen in 4 months but when we started on Oxy, we'd never been asked to measure output so didn't know the bladder size issue, etc, etc. so there was a chance that it was helping but who knows. All I do know now is that her current regime (Tolterodine and TENS) is making progress, bladder capacity growing and less urgency but to be honest only marginal difference so far in the number of accidents - and had I been measuring success in terms of that, at 4 months in I'd have thought this wasn't working either. In fact for a period of time, the accidents increased as the muscles relaxed - luckily though by then our consultant had warned me that could happen and so it weirldly felt like a positive step!
Can see you've done the input/output check, which will be great to be able to check back against to see if things are moving forwards for your daughter.
Hope that makes some sense....and good luck.
Thank you i think i will keep doing a regular input output check to see whats going on. As soon as i did her input output chart a few weeks ago it explained everything to me if i had a bladder telling me to go 26 times a day I'd start ignoring it too and the urgency that went with it she had no chance of getting to the toilet before it starts to come out, she literally had the potty right next to her for three days and still had damp patches. Thankyou for your advice i feel i am travelling doen the same road as you just a few years behind. ☺
I'm in same boat. My 5 year old daughters input/output charts over 4 days were 12-20 wees per day. Not sure why one day was only 12. Others were 17-20. Amounts 40-90ml with most being 60-90ml.
I'm hoping we get oxybyutinin ( can't spell it). Pinning my hopes on it!!
My 2 year old daughter only wees 5-6 times a day! Thankfully her bladder seems normal!
I've just joined the community (see my post) but am in EXACTLY the same situation with my almost 5 year old.... So glad I'm not alone.... X