Work-related problems...: I started my job... - Endometriosis UK

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Work-related problems...

84Rach profile image
5 Replies

I started my job in March 2010, and have always had an above average amount of time off sick (I don't get paid for it, so I only called in when I was really, really ill), then in January I was admitted to hospital with horrible abdominal pains (suspected appendicitis) which was found to be menstrual. Was referred to gynae and had a lap in March which found endo! My pains carried on getting worse and I took Prostap for 6 months. During this time, I had a (supposedly unrelated) back pain flare-up that put me in hospital for 4 days (more time off)! A couple of weeks after going back, I was struck down by the kidney infection from Hell which needed 3 lots of antibiotics to get rid of (and I'm still hurting now, but not feeling ill). The Prostap has now left my system and I'm on Cerazette now, and my abdo pains are coming back with a vengeance!

My job is quite physical for an office job, I deal with quite large files and they can be really heavy and I have to walk around a lot to deliver the files. After a shift I feel stiff and achey with even worse abdo pains and I'm so shattered I can hardly do much else. I don't even work long hours, mainly 4 or 6 hour shifts. My body's been through so much recently, it is now struggling to get me through work, my legs felt like jelly yesterday an hour into my shift. And it doesn't help that we are short staffed and the atmosphere is really stressy.

Occupational health sent some recommendations for me going back to work after my back problem (which one Dr said he thought was related to endo, possibly on my sciatic nerve, but the others said it wasn't), but they were half-ignored and I'm back doing my exact old job.

I really enjoy working, and want to, but my current role is too physically demanding, but I'm trapped until I find something else because I can't afford not to work, but it's making me feel worse.

Any advice? xxx

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84Rach profile image
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5 Replies
LadyA profile image

I know exaactly how you feel, ii work in a care home, so my job is really physical (i work in the laundry room) so im on my feet all day, ive just had 3 months off work as i hd unbearable pains and been in hopsital, i went bck to work yesterday, and the first hour killed me, i hurt so bad i just wanted to lay on the floor and cry, and todsy on my second day back i had to leave early!!! im waiting for my lap! and i cannot wait, and im getting this disgusting metallic taste in my mouth too! it also takes me 2 busses to get to work, so but the time i get home i just want to get in bed! Thankfully i get sick pay cos i get notes from the doctor. have you spoken to your doc and gotten a sick note everytime ur off as u have a medical reason?, you should get SSP for that x

84Rach profile image

Yes, I do get SSP, but it's not really enough to live on in the long term. Rubbish isn't it? My brain works fine, I just happen to have a job I can't physically do, so I'm not in a very good place. What you said sounds totally familiar, but I'm not sure what the metallic taste is... could be some drugs you're on? xxx

Hi Rach and Lady,

I am really sorry to hear about your work issues - it is really hard to manage sometimes and you are not alone. My main recommendations would be to:

- talk to your HR department (or manager if you are comfortable with this) about the issues you face. Employers have a duty of care to their employees and trying to work with your employer and keep them aware of the issues you face may help you, particularly if you face ongoing problems (endo is different for everyone so it is difficult to generalise). Rach, you have already had recommendations from occupational health - perhaps it is worth talking to them again? If you have long term (defined as over one year) health issues that impact your day to day activities, you may be covered under the Equality Act and therefore an employer needs to look at making 'reasonable adjustments' to try and accommodate your issues - this is not as straightforward as it sounds but a good employer will try and make adjustments (it isn't always possible, depends on the role) where possible. These may vary from person to person as it depends on your individual circumstances. If you would like more information on this, please do say.

- know that you are not alone. Can you talk to other ladies about it at a local support group, or speak to someone on the Endo UK helpline? Many of us have dealt with similar issues so knowing you can talk directly to someone who understands is always useful.

Lastly, as one who has spent alot of time off sick for endo over the last 8 years, I would say - try not to feel guilty about time off sick, you didn't choose to have endo, would rather be out and about working and doing all the normal things that other people do. I think because this is an invisible condition, we can beat ourselves up about it sometimes. Please, please, please be kind to yourself. I hope life gets better for you soon.

Big hugs,

Carol xxx

SuzieQ1 profile image

Hi 84Rach.

I dealt with the back pain that you are describing, and I was prescribed a short course of diazapam which helped wonders. However when it comes to work, I take it that you have a contract. In most cases with employment, your employers are obligated to find you a less physical job if your current one turns out to be too much for you. I would suggest going to citizens advice to enquire about this, or even if you have a copy of your contract - give it a going over to see if you can see anything in there. I hope that it works out for you. Sending gentle hugs xoxox

84Rach profile image

Thanks Suzie,

They have found me something less demanding, with associated pay cut of course. I don't think I have a contract, maybe just a contract with the Trust I work for, but being on the bank I don't actually have an official job role nor any official hours. Yet they still expected me to work Christmas Day 2pm-6pm, when I live at least an hour from my family and don't have a car! Just for the normal Sunday rate (and if it wasn't a Sunday, it'd be the normal hourly rate)! I'm really down right now, but I think I'm not working Christmas Day at least.

I was doing lone-working, so I've pointed out that I can't physically do my job when I'm on my own (i.e what Occy Health said in the first place). They seem to understand for now.


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