Can anyone tell me if they have had a total abdominal hysterectomy for Endo? I really would like to know about your experiences good and bad and if there were any complications?
many thanks in advance
Just to update why i asked this
I have endo and pco - have had since early teens now 41. I had been asking for a hysterectomy since i was 29 and now they have finally decided to let me have it.
So far I have had four laps done all diagnostic and laser, the last found my ovaries stuck to the wall, alot of scar tissue and adhesions. The last op i went in for was lap,luna,fentons repair, should have been a day surgery but ended up in there for about 8 days. Post op fever due to to what they called an aveolar collapse i think the other name for it is (Atelectasis) partial or full collaspes i think of the avioli in the lung? 4 days later i had breathing difficaulties where they then suspected a clot on the lung and started my on clexane (sorry if spellings are wrong) thinkfully this was fruitless and i was allowed home when i felt better.
My biggest concerns
1. because of my current health conditions i.e ME, fibromyagia, arthritis, cervical spondylosis to name but a few, i'm finding it very difficault to get myself fit enough and at a level which i would be happy about before going in.
2. I have not yet seen much evidence of anyone having a tah and ovaries removed who have not had any further complications during surgery with the endo being stuck to other areas that could complicate things further.
3 I am scared that i could end up worse off after the op than i currently am.
4 I cant beleive I am also going to say this but even though I have not been able to have sex I can help myself to get to an orgasm, (though sometimes this could be painful and if they take my cervix away etc would I still be able to feel this and be able to reach an orgasm
Its really hard when I am feeling so well at the moment as far as my endo goes and I do know its only because I have been on Zoladex for the last year.
My history of the endo and how its affected my life:-
I have been unable since about the age of 22/23 to have any kind of sexual relationship. When i try to have penetrive sex its like a feeling of being cut inside with a knife, i'm not sure also that when i had treatment for abnormal smears wether any damage was also done as they had not numbed the area fully before burning the bad cells away and as you can imagine i hit the roof and screamed - the comment made from one of the nurses who attending me when i had to go back again was 'I can see where you have been man handled' what a thing to say to someone dam.
I have had really bad pmt/pms what ever they call it its like going into a major depression once a month, i only thought about it recently and said to the consultant ive been treated for depression all these years when i am now certain it was this all along
I do get stomach cramps low back pain and heavier bleeding than I ever used to get (i have to say though there are alot more people who suffer from more bleeding than i do) but nether the less for me its still too much. I was told by a consultant once you dont have to have alot of endo to have pain, often those with small amounts can have terrible pain where those who have quiet alot sometimes dont always have as much pain.
Sorry if i am rambling but I think I have already talked myself out of having this op done. I just wish I could stay on the Zoladex indefinately but I know thats not possible wich is a shame as I know this has been the one thing that has helped so many women.