Hi i had that done on wednesday i an worried what if it comes positive x
Has any one had CA 125 blood test - Endometriosis UK
Has any one had CA 125 blood test

Hi I had one, when doctors were trying to find out the cause of my pain. It came back negative. But when I got the lap, they found endo.
Sometimes when it comes positive it can more easily lead to suspicion of endo etc. But even if ti might come back as negative, do push for more investigation as it doesnt show up on every woman.
Good luck
Jo x
I had exactly the same as you Jo. I was however, tested as I had a septated cyst. It came back negative. 2 months later I had a lap and found to have endo.
Completely agree about further investigation. You know you're body and if its not right you know!
It's a scary sounding test, I've had several now and I remember the terror I felt when I first had one. But it's not a conclusive test on it's own, it's one test along with others and examinations / clinical history that will help your doctor / gynae build a picture of what's going on. Everybody is unique and will have different results. Be positive and let us know how you get on xx
I am.worried what if it comes positive will they remove my ovaries xx
Hi Shazia
Sorry to hear you are worried about the result of the test, im sure if it comes back positive there will be other things that the specialists can try before they remove your ovaries, endo is pretty horrendous, not just the physical pain but the mental pain and stress of wondering how bad its going to get etc and what they will do to help, i hope things go as well as you want them to when you get the result, if only there was a magic wand treatment to get rid of it xx
Hi, I had CA125 test for 10 mths (every 4-6 weeks) due to a complex ovarian cyst. The normal level is 35, and mine had ranged from 40 up 129! I have since had a lap which diagnosed stage 4 endo. The test is an indicator for many things, not just ovarian cancer. I was anxious during the time I was monitored and often shows higher than normal when endo is present due to irritation it causes. Hope this helps x
Hi there
I had CA125 tested when my gynae first had the suspicion of endo.
As Edsmom said the level should be 35, I had more than 360... This led the doctor to decide it was worth to do a laparoscopy and take a look.
For me it was a relief they finally found a reason for my pain after 4 year of trying to get a diagnose and always be sent home with: "nothing is wrong with you sweetheart"...
Try to talk with your doctor about all the options you have and find one that's suitable for you.
best of luck!
Hi thanx everyone for replying has anyone had cancer if so what did the gynae do i had test on wednesday and i have appointment after 3 weeks i cant wait that long x