Hi ladies, will try not to make this too long. I've had awful pain with my periods since a few months after they started. Been in and out of my GP with various strengths prescriptions, mefenamic acid, naproxen, cocodamol etc. My GP believes I have endo and referred me to consultants who reluctantly did a laparoscopy nearly 2 years ago.
Apparently they found no sign of endo, whcih i found rather gutting, as this pain has been going on for 10 years now, and it gradually gets worse. Where i used to have agony with my period for 5-6 days and then dull pain for a couple, a period is now agony the whole way through, i get ovulation pain, build up pain and pain after. I had the mirena fitted in april and was getting strong contractions every day and bleeding constantly (though not heavy) until i had it out in august. now on cerazette which has (for the time being at least) stopped my periods but i'm still getting pain.
My main symptoms are: pain throughout the month,agony with a period, short cycle (27 days max though it differs quite a lot) and a longer than average bleed (normally 8-9 days), bleeding after sex, pain with sex and occassionally cramping after, sometimes dark blood before fresh (? weird...), lower back pain and a burning hot pain in my front pelvis, sharp pain in groin lines, sometimes a sticking pain that spreads up my vagina, and is crippling. I also have a low blood pressure, though i'm not sure if that's related, and hair loss I can actually get handfuls of hair out most days, though i'm never left with bald patches thank goodness.
I have just moved so changing GP's hoping for a second opinion, but does anyone have any idea?? The consultants just look at me and sigh like I'm making it up or wasting their time, but I'm sure if they felt like this even half the time they would not be quiet about it.
Any advice or experience would be much appreciated, I'm newly married and at my wits end. My husband is really helpful and understanding, such a blessing but this is no great way to live! Take care x