hi can any tell me if there have experianced this befor christmas i had been in loads of pain and heve clotty perieds and headaches befor them now i bleed for to days then spot till around my 14 day i am starting another peried by 25 days
spotting through the month: hi can any tell... - Endometriosis UK
spotting through the month

Yes - this sounds very like what I was experiencing. It could be caused by various things so it probably makes sense to see a doctor to find out what's going on, or at least help with the pain management. My doctor was great, and organised scans etc to get a proper understanding of the problem.
In my case, the problem wasn't directly caused by endometriosis and it was treated by hysteroscopy and then low-dose combined pill. I've now switched to mirena, which seems to be OK, but I am still in the early phases.
the gyn dr has got me tracking my perieds for three months go back in july i am 39 and not sure if it is pre menapaus or some thing els had scans and blood tests nothing shod up so i think it has to be that just dont know
I have experienced this so many times in the past. For years when I went to the doctors they kept saying it was nothing and just deal with the pain. And last year they said they were wrong I had endo all along and had to have surgery because the situation had got soo bad.
I would strongly advice you get yourself scanned properly, go private if you have to the scans don't cost that much. Also Chinese herbs or homoeopathic medicines are quite good and dont have any side effects.
what is good to take
i have felt very sick since thurs when i started this peried been spotting since day to the sicky feeling is reALY BAD BUT NOT BEEN SICK BUT A BIT SHACKY