I was diagnosed with endo in september last year after having a laparoscopy i was at stage 3-4 and 3 weeks ago i had a laparotomy to remove as much as the endo as possible i was happy to find out my tubes are all ok and my ovaries are alright as i had been told they couldn't see my tubes when i had the laparoscopy.I have considered Ivf but dont want to rush into it if i am able to fall naturally Just wondered if anyone has had a laparotomy and got pregnant after
Has anyone had a laparotomy and got pregn... - Endometriosis UK
Has anyone had a laparotomy and got pregnant? if so how long after?

I did not have a laparotomy but fell pregnant 7 months after my laparoscopy, was on Prostap so I got pregnant naturally 3 months after my periods returned. Only have 1 tube and one ovary and most of endo tissue was found in the ovary. I would have had IVF treatment if I didn't conceive in a time of 6 months when my periods returned after Prostap. Trying for a baby 2 years prior to laparoscopy. Now 22 weeks pregnant x
thanks for answering my question i fell pregnant in 2006 and had a misscarriage at 11 weeks we kept trying and nothing then early last year i started to get the symtoms of endo really painfull periods cramps that would hurt so bad i would be sick so thats when the investigation started, i had endo over both my ovaries,tubes and all over my pelvis can i ask what is Prostap? Congratulations on your pregnancy thats great x
Thank you. I am sorry to hear about the miscarriage. I was scared to death of it happening to me as feels like I only have one shot at this because of endo and only one ovary - plus the other half is also sub-fertile so it is quite a miracle that I got pregnant! Still have fears of something going wrong :s But remaining positive just get days where I worry a alot.
Prostap is similar to Zoladex. Mr Prentice (my endo surgeon), said I should go on it 3 months after my lap to let my ovary recover. Had injection once a month and my periods topped for 4 and a half months so was pretty menopausal (very strong hot flushes in summer was nightmare) but pain free The injections are supposed to block estrogen and testosterone in the body so the endo cells supposedly don't grow and is supposed to shrink the endo. Worked amazingly for me, seen on this site that for other women it does not work so well. Maybe ask your doctor about it? I could not get pregnant whilst on as didn't ovulate but was advised to use protection in case I did as not good to conceive whilst on the injections, but was worth the wait as made me a lot better, was able to get my life back and get healthy enough to get pregnant. Exercise was out of the question before my lap so gained some weight was able to lose it all afterwards
I had my first laparotomy in 2006 followed by a course of zoladex and fell pregnant first time naturally after trying for 7 years and went on to have a healthy baby boy (he was one of a twin but i lost one at 8 weeks)I had previously had 3 laparoscopy's which seemed to work in the short term and after taking clomid, I did fall pregnant but miscarried at 10 weeks. I had my second laparotomy in 2009 but then had heart surgery so we were unable to try to conceive, and I've just had my 3rd laparotomy nearly 3 weeks ago so fingers crossed we will be able to conceive again, but will wait and see what happens. Best of luck with getting pregnant hun and keep us posted on how you get on
my gynae mentioned about some injection that would stop my period but i didnt want to go on it as i had read on the internet that the best time to try for baby is the first 6 months after surgery and he agreed with me but said if i started to get pains again i would need to go on the injection and he is going to keep an eye on me by having scans every year. By reading ur stories it gives me hope and thank you so much for that i will keep u updated if i get lucky xx