Does anyone else get pain under their ribs? - Endometriosis UK

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Does anyone else get pain under their ribs?

15 Replies


I know everyone's pain is different, but does anyone else get bad pains under their ribs to the side, so bad that it hurts to breathe? As far as I am aware, my endo is around the pouch of douglas and ovary. Is this just another thing to cope with or something different.


15 Replies
brighteyesjas profile image

So sorty to hear of the pain that you are experiencing.

Yes I get pain under my rib cage and I have endo in my pouch of douglas, right ovary and fallopian tube, left ovary, uterine ligament, rectal tube.

bophead profile image

I have had this the last few days, never really suffered with it before, it feels like a stitch type pain.

I had my first lap 2 weeks ago, which turned into 2.5 hrs of surgery to excise severe endo, adhesions on my tubes, pelvis and behind womb and a 5cm cyst on each ovary.

I posted a question on here about this pain and a couple of people have said it could be the gas used during the lap but because its been 2 weeks since I am starting to think its more possible its endo pain :(

chickpeajones profile image

i've had this and it turned out to be my gallbladder (sits behind liver under right rib cage). whether it's an infection or disease, we are waiting to find out. worth getting i checked out.

i asked my doc if it's related to endo and he says not, but i take a more holistic approach that it's ALL related even just via immune system weakness.


rsb2 profile image

I have had this pain off and on for years. It can be breath taking pain. I thought that i was just becoming over sensitive to my pains as i hadn't heard anyone else with this complaint. I also get pain on the back of my ribcage in small areas, feels like someone in pushing a hot rod in. I haven't brought it up with my doc, but i am seing my gyno soon so i will ask him.

Sand_dancer profile image
Sand_dancer in reply to rsb2

I also get the pushing a hot rod pain in small areas at the back of my rib cage which takes my breath away. some times I don't know whether to mention all the pains I get or not I feel like such a moaner sometimes but it's hard living with the pain all the time. And because I've had a hysterectomy they just keep saying it can't be active endo.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Sand_dancer

Ohhh, I feel exactly the same Sand_dancer. :( I can only think it's all related to our Endo. It's so hard but I'm getting new pains every day! It's hard to explain it to people and I can't be bothered to be dismissed by docs who don't care a thing. It can be very frustrating and depressing.

I hope you feel better x

Snowbell2012 profile image

I hav this pain for years ending up in a-e and doctors all thay said can't feel anything in the end thought it was just me but I know more now don't know where my endo is but I soon well hoping thay find sum thing there

sonja121 profile image

Yep i get this pain too, also when i eat feels as though you have eaten far too much and the is unbearable, i have now started to gaviscon after food and before bed as this helps.

Helen40 profile image

Hi ladies , just reading your comments re this pain , I also have this , but have discovered recently that I have heliobacter pylori and maybe an ulcer, I thought it was my gall bladder but bloods tests did not suggest this , had a a scan last year as I also had the same problem last year which was also clear , I would ask your doctor for blood tests , a stool test to check for helicobacter infection , and a scan on liver and gall bladder , don't be fobbed off either , I am now on a triple therapy antibiotics to kill off this painfull infection , and going for an endoscopy soon ,To check for an ulcer as mmy pain is under right rib , I believe I may have got this infection following a course of antibiotics I took after my surgery in feb this year , but there are other causes too , this bacteria lives in many peoples stomachs but in some instances grows massively under the rights conditions and gets out of control , do some research , and go back to your doctor if you have too, good luck Ladies


regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Helen40

This sounds awful Helen40. I have the same pains and they can be debilitating. I had to call in sick at work last week as the pains kept me awake at night and I was in too much pain to come in. I will check this infection out...

Take care and thanks for your message x

hillidoos profile image

i have pain at the bottom of my left rib and it is like a stitch worse when i breath in and out my doc thinks it is an adhesion. i have a lot of them on my colon through endo. the only thing that is there is the spleen and mine seems ok so i figure it is adhesion sticking the stomach wall to colon, it comes and goes though, some things we learn to live with because sick of being at docs and hosp.

TaraB profile image

I'm so sorry that your going through that pain as well. It's almost 5 am and I can't sleep because all the positions hurt. I don't get know if I have endometriosis but I'm on the waiting list to see a gynecologist. I have all the symptoms of it and my mum had it unfortunately. I get it mostly on my sides. Left side the most but sometimes both sides. Hope it goes away- ish .

littlelatin profile image

I am so relieved to read this post. I mentioned this pain to my specialist who almost laughed in my face when I described this feeling. He convinced me that it couldn't be endo pain but bowel pain.

msnyk09 profile image

i am having similar issues now. I know there is a new cyst growing on my right ovary a year after surgery but recently ive been having a weird pain around my right rib cage area. the pain came once at the same time the new cyst was found but the doctor couldn't find any abnormalities in the area around my rib cage, the pain went away after a few weeks but about 2 months later now, I am having the pain again and i think this time it might not go away. i went for another scan last week but they couldn't find any problem and took my blood for testing which came out to be normal. i just don't know if this has anything to do with the cyst that is sitting on my ovary now. the doctor said to monitor the cyst for now since i am not experiencing any pain there so im hoping that the size of the endo cyst remains the same till my next check but this rib pain is a bother now.

HikerGirl profile image

I don’t suppose anyone has an update on what their pain was in the end? I’ve been reading up on Thoracic Endo and wonder if this could be the cause?

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