I had hysteroscopy and laparoscopy on Wednesday.
Really disappointed, they didn’t do anything just took photos and put a Mirena coil in.
Told me my bowel is attached to my abdominal wall (said that’s normal). They don’t do anything unless it’s causing problems, but that is exactly where my pain is. I have pain passing a bowel movement and passing wind is painful before during and after too.
Fibroids inoperable because in uterine wall (contrary to what they thought on Ultrasound and MRI). So just leaving those.
Ovarian cyst had ruptured the week before (I knew that, I felt it go had spotting). So nothing to drain. But it recurs painfully in the same site.
Tiny bit of endometriosis scarring under right ovary, where I have the pulling pain, again do nothing despite it being where my pain is.
Uterus is generally bulky possibly more fibroids in the wall, possibly adenomyosis couldn’t say. Despite MRI. Again do nothing, despite me feeling like I need to carry my tummy around. Pain standing after sitting etc.
They seem to pin a lot of hope or put a lot of faith in the ability of a Mirena coil to address all of these things, they said give it 6 months, expect bleeding for 6 months.
Any thoughts or insights? Am I being impatient ? Is six months of more of the same pain likely? Is it really the silver bullet?
Can a Mirena resolve a bowel adhesion?
Can a Mirena resolve an endometriosis scar that pulls?
Google doesn’t seem to be able to answer this for me and the consultant just kept saying wait and see.
They don’t seem to be listening, they acted delighted they’d done a procedure and got some photos. Leaves me back at square 1 with a history of depression and a Mirena coil as a souvenir.
How long would you leave it after recovering from the laparoscopy before seeking second opinions?
I’m 51 with adult kids, full time stressful teaching job in sixth form and fatigue issues linked to Hashimoto’s.