i’m really struggling with anxiety brought on by my endo and I’m experiencing loose stools and stomach cramps that I think is because of this. i worry about going out in case it happen. does anyone else get this from being so stressed?
anxiety diarrhoea : i’m really struggling... - Endometriosis UK
anxiety diarrhoea

Hi, unfortunately I can't give you advice as I go the other way. I get constipated but is made worse when my anxiety levels are higher. I too suffer with very bad tummy cramps all the time. Although not the same as you experience but totally feel your pain 😞
I suffer with diarrhoea a lot due to anxiety. The thing that has helped me a lot is Cocodamol which I also use some of the time for pain relief. (Codeine is sometimes prescribed for diarrhoea as well as pain relief.
It soon sorts the diarrhoea otherwise I wouldn't be able to leave the house at all when it's bad. I don't leave the house much anyway.
I know exactly what you are dealing with. When I am anxious, I go over and over. It's horrible.
Hope you can get something on prescription to help as I have. xx
Hello there,
I get exactly this. Constant worry about endometriosis makes you anxious and then that has a knock on effect. I do take cocodamol for the endo pain and that does help a bit with the loose bowels. Only take it for pain though as it can make you very constipated and then cause other issues. I would also check your diet and keep a food diary as certain foods cause inflammation making your endo worse. I also take fibogel now as that seems to make everything more balanced and regular and am trying meditation for the anxiety. It's worth giving different things a try but one at a time to see if and what helps. Sometimes endometriosis itself causes bowel issues especially if on or near the bowel. Maybe mention this to your Dr to check that nothing else is also going on. I do feel for you its very debilitating at times. You are not alone. Take some time out for you. x
I understand how horrible this can be! I would often get stressed and worked up which would also affect my tummy every now and again.
A few years back, I decided to try the Nerva hypnotherapy app. Targeted for IBS sufferers I think, but worked well for me as my whole brain - gut connection was clearly an issue. Initially I did it because I was anxious about going on a group holiday and being out of my comfort zone and making myself unwell. It seemed to work a treat and I felt so much more confident after.
I did it again last year as a top up I suppose as I still tend to overthink situations and trigger a bloating flare. Still get anxious about going to the toilet when on holidays, but nothing like how I used to be. Ideally, if I’m financially able to at some point I would love to consider acupuncture that could potentially help.
The hypnotherapy app may also be a good option as it teaches you methods to help when you feel an anxiety attack on the way and is 20 minutes of calm a day for several weeks!
I hope this helps in any way