Surgery anxiety - please share your posit... - Endometriosis UK

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Surgery anxiety - please share your positive experiences!

Snoopydraws23 profile image
6 Replies

Hi all,

I’m booked in to have my left fallopian tube removed next week due to haematosalpinx. I had my right tube removed last year after a 2nd ectopic pregnancy following my 4th round of IVF.

I have stage 4 endometriosis but am asymptomatic so the surgeon is planning to leave that alone. My tube is attached to my bowel so it’s not going to be straightforward.

I’m hoping there may be some people on here who may have had similar surgery or surgery where endometriosis has involved the bowel. I’d love to hear your experiences in the hope it may help alleviate some of my anxieties!

Thanks for reading! ☺️

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Snoopydraws23 profile image
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6 Replies
EndoSuckss profile image

I don't have any experience with having tubes removed (yet! Roll on December 😂) but just wanted to wish you luck ❤️❤️

Snoopydraws23 profile image
Snoopydraws23 in reply to EndoSuckss

Thank you! ☺️ Good luck for yours too! X

kelsbels88 profile image


I had my left tube removed along with a bowel resection as I too had severe endo. Clinics are so different with their rating systems I was never given a number just told that it was classed as severe because my bowel was involved.

Anyway I digress, they removed both and I have to say I am extremely fortunate that I have been pretty much pain free since last august.

I did have major surgery and was in for a lot of hours. Within 48hrs I was up and about but achy within 3 days wanted to go home but my inflammation markers on my blood test went up and they had to put me on iv medication to get my levels back down. They told me after they had been in that my insides were pretty messed up and they couldn’t understand how I had been going to the toilet as my bowel was twisted up on itself.

Feel free to msg if you want to

You’ll be fine and lots of luck xx

Snoopydraws23 profile image
Snoopydraws23 in reply to kelsbels88

Thank you for sharing your story. It’s sounds like you have been through a lot but pleased to hear you recovered fairly quickly. The surgeon has said he can do it through laparoscopy so I will only be in for one night. I have been told my insides are a mess too, I think that’s what causing me the anxiety with accessibility to the tube! X

Princesspeach84 profile image

Hi I’ve got stage 4 rectovaginal endo. Before my op I was told a colostomy bag was 50/50 and I’m not going to lie I was terrified! I was terrified of having the laparoscopy, terrified of needles…I worried about every possible outcome! Anyway the day rolls round and the staff were lovely, I had a needle in my spine to deaden my body from waist down but everything wasn’t as bad as expected. All that worrying for nothing. If I have to have another I wouldn’t worry half as much, reminded me of going to dentist and having a filing. Not pleasant but not really bad either. Please don’t scare yourself reading bad stories about laps as mine was straightforward as are many ladies ops. Also I didn’t need a colostomy bag either and I was in 4 and half hours. You will be fine, good luck 🤞 xx

Snoopydraws23 profile image
Snoopydraws23 in reply to Princesspeach84

Thank you so much for sharing your story. You sound very much like me right now, I’m worrying over everything and of course thinking about worst case scenarios! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Pleased to hear you didn’t need to have a colostomy bag either. I keep worrying that they will accidentally damage my bowel and that I will end up with one! I’m sure I’m worrying over nothing as it’s not even been mentioned as an option! X

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