I really wanted someone to know what i went through and still going through without judging me . I was at work yesterday after a month and i realize i have to take it out , so i decided to write it down here rather than sharing it to someone whom i expect them to understand but they don't . I felt it is safe to share here and i am sure there are many other like me who must be experiencing the same .
I have very painful period since the day i had my period. I have taken all the pain relief medications . There were days i cannot stand up, i don't feel like eating , pain on both back and front of my abdomen . I use heat pads and medications . Reached a point where i get blister due to heat pad and i don't feel it popping .Only realize the burns from blisters after period. Some times i get scare , that i am taking lots analgesics every month which is not right for my body. But if i try to bear the pain, i would sweat, pain would go down to my knees and pelvis. I would vomit sometimes. I was advised to take hormonal tablets. Two years back i came to UK. Everything was new to me , the level of pain started more .My buttocks and pelvis starts to pain more even without period days . My coccyx would hurt . I doubted that it can be because of my weight , i stared loosing weight but it was not . My sleep is for 4 hours. After working 12 hours shift , i will be awake at 3 to 5 am almost every night . I sleep on my belly . Hot flush on face.Irregular bleeding and bleeding for 3 weeks after period . I would still go for work . When i let my charge know about it as i was bleeding for long . At work they said it is okay . I was given tablets to stop bleeding and send me home from hospital . Every test was negative. I try every possible things to get better sleep, exercise for mood, organic tea, change in diet, using heat belt both front and back while at work and night sleep patches. I get so many night mares that i cannot sleep as well.
I never realized that , it could impact my mental health too much that it messed up with my mind . I cry all of sudden, feeling lonely , sad, demotivated, too many negativity , anxious. For small task i get very anxious and stressed . I cannot rest unless i finish the task otherwise i get stressed . Hardest part was although i tell people around me , they would just brush it off and some would answer but some would just say it is okay . Same time , i go for shopping , at work and do my normal chores. But it still did not solve anything . The doctors they gave me options of marina , hormonal tablets . I chose not to take it as i felt i am too young for these .
I had laporoscopy with excision of endometriosis recently . I went back to work , people asked me why i was off sick for long time. After hearing what i had undergone. They said , oh you will be okay . It is just a small excision . I don't expect anyone to understand but somewhere it just hurts . Because it is a whole lot of struggle for me . Even it is almost a month after the procedure , when i do manual handling , i could feel the stretch inside from my lower tummy and it burns from within . Some would give me the face as if i am trying to avoid work . I feel the guilty and sad . I try sharing it to my female colleague some would say sorry you had to go through all these ,
I am taking a month holiday next month , hoping all those sadness and anxiety will go away . Otherwise i just feel like , i am a body which is doing its own daily routine but within i am not happy .
Thank you for reading . I hope i have not bored you . Its just i don't know what to do and for how long i have to be like this. Everything stress me out .