I know posts really should be short, brief and to the point but I haven't really been in the position to express what I have been through and this forum seems the most appropriate way to off load.
I started my period initially when I was 11/12 and then they ceased. I think this may have been (under)weight related. I then started again when I was 14. I was showering during one period and sobbed for an hour after feeling/seeing my first tissue looking clot pass. I had just moved in with my step-mum/dad so I didn't really know who to speak to, so I didn't.
One day when driving me home from school my step-mum noticed I had flooded and left a mark on the car seat. She spoke to me about my periods and I told her about the pain I was feeling, how heavy it was and how frequent they were. We went to the doctors who decided to focus more on the pain and after a feel of my tummy sent me home with peppermint tablets and Tramadol and a diagnosis of IBS.
We returned a few months later and I was given the same tablets for the pain and mefanamic acid for the bleeding. The doctor was not interested in linking the periods to the pain. I was 'too young' to have problems. So they sent me for a Gastroscopy and ultra-sound to evaluate the severity of my alleged IBS and other potential stomach problems. And suprise - they found no polyps, no stomach ulcers - no signs of muscle weakness or IBS. Rather than finally make a link - they sent me home and told me the pain was all in my head due to a rough child-hood. This put a strain on my relationship with my dad/step-mum as the doctors were basically advising that I was lying.
For one reason or another I no longer lived with them at age 16 - I went to the Brook and started the Mycrogynon pill. The bleeding was every day - and I eventually had Anemia. So they switched me to the depo, then progeston only pill, then the patch, then the implant, then the implant with a combined pill & eventually I am now on just the combined pill - Milinette and have been for just under 2 years.
The Millinete can be taken back to back so I can avoid periods although I have had some break through bleeding. But then my discharge began to change often, and August of this year I started to have spotting and slight flooding, post-coital bleeds, and pelvic pain so I referred to the Brook. They suggested from review of my history that I refer to the GP and look in to more depth why I have had such problems. The GP wouldn't do a smear to look in to my discharge changes because of my age. And the nurse did a speculum evaluation and informed nothing was wrong. The doctor therefore refused to assist further and told me it was 'all in my head'.
I pushed again more recently and was referred for an ultrasound and internal scan. The nurse immediately advise I had quite a lot of fibre tissue - she suspected Adenomyosis. Again my doctor informed I was reading too much in to it and I am too young to have such problems. I pushed on and was then referred to a Gyno in December.
My Gyno has been a god-send - she reviewed the same scan - confirmed Adenomyosis in my myometrium and Endometriosis. She also said from a review of my cervix I had a petrusion which would be causing the post-coital bleeds. If this doesn't go on its own they will lazer it off.
So now I am trying to learn more about Endometriosis. The Gyno suggested breaking more often to reduce break through bleeds but my break this month has been horrendous - I have been using tamps with pads and flooding/leaking through which has also triggered anemia, and I can't afford to be buying new clothes every day.
Ultimately - although I have been diagnosed with Endo from review of other peoples stories on here I don't feel I am suffering too much at the moment in comparison. I do get stabbing pains in my cervix, back/pelvic pain - but not everyday, and the petrusion can be removed.
I am going to try adjusting my diet to include anti-inflamitory foods, and see what other options are available to either help me break more regularly or handle break through bleeds. I know that my Endo will likely get worse over time but I am trying to stay positive in that right now I am coping and getting through.