Hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed following at diagnostic laparoscopy and was told post op I have severe endometriosis and it’s on my bowel. Can you be seen privately at a BSGE clinic? I’ve just been told it’s a 60 week wait to be seen at the clinic I’ve been referred to 😥 and I’m desperate to get some answers
Can you be seen privately at a BSGE clinic? - Endometriosis UK
Can you be seen privately at a BSGE clinic?

yes you can! I did last week 😊
Search under the area you live and you should be able to find someone.
Hope this helps! And good luck 😃
If you Google BSGE, their website has a search function to find the BSGE clinics near you
Thank you, I can only see the NHS hospital one here (I’m Norwich), not sure how I figure out a way into it privately or if that’s even an option!
Sorry, I've just seen your message. As others have mentioned, search for a BSGE centre near you, this will have the names consultants. After this you will need to go on websites such as circle health to see if these doctors see people privately - many do. I can see 1 centre in Norwich, 2 in Cambridge, 1 in Colchester from a quick search. It may be just as easy to get into London where there are a wealth of private practises to choose from if that is an option
Hi there,
Are you taking a prescription drug like Zoladex to shutdown your Estrogen?
I understand your concerns but there isn't quick fix to Endometriosis more a case of management with drugs and Pain Management.
Yes it is possible to see your Specialist or another privately but you still require a formal letter in the UK from your doctor to your chosen Specialist.
Also you may consider your doctor sending you to a Pain Clinic to help with pain relief. 6 to 8 sessions of acupuncture etc.
Healing at a spiritual church which at the time when I thought nothing was working a friend suggested who was into Yoga. I thought well what have I got to lose? So I went and it really did help which changed my whole belief, I slept well that night. I felt more relaxed so every week I started to go for healing. I'd give £5.00 but there's no charge.
Both Fennel Tea helps with pain in the night and Belladonna when painkillers fail, my TENS Machine.
You may find cutting Gluten, Lactose completely out your diet reduces stomach bloating, bowel pain and inflamed bowel as the bowel is bedded down probably with adhesions in the Pouch of Douglas.
Years on I attended a Reiki Course learnt healing myself, which I don't practice but I find I can help reduce my own pain when on my own in a silent space. Reflexology also I tried when I had Pancreatitis caused by yrs of longterm use of Danol a steriod for Endometriois.
Joy x
I had excision surgery with a private surgeon and it has completely cured my endometriosis and pain. No hormone suppression, no pain medications. I'm now over 2-3 years post surgery. It was totally worth it for me. I'm not sure if you mean be seen privately for a consult or to pay for the whole surgery? If you are willing to pay there are good specialists in London you could self-refer to. No need to wait or get a letter. Or you can definitely at least see one who is joint NHS and private, who can maybe refer you again, but I'm not sure that will speed things up since you are already on the list. All the best xx
If you go on BSGE website, it details all the accredited centres. Including the names of the consultants, from there you can check Circle Health to book an appointment with them privately, this will be at a private hospital but it’ll still be with a specialist of that standard.
there are private bsge centres but it’s not always easy to know which are private and which are nhs. And whilst a consultation is likely a few hundred pounds surgery at one of those centres is likely tens of thousands. If you have severe endo then you must be treated by the multi disciplinary team at the centre and that’s why costs go up.