Wondered if anyone else has experienced this and got any answers. I had my first laparoscopy for diagnosis and removal of endometriosis in July this year. Since then I have had on and off sharp pains only on my left side, can vary in severity. Some days can just be a niggling pain and other times it’s quite sharp/ stabbing going through to my back. Feels the location is where my left ovary is and when it’s bad I need max dose codeine and struggle to continue with work etc. I’ve been to the gp who then referred me for an ultrasound which has come back normal. Is this pain caused from surgery/scarring? Endo that’s been missed? All other pains I was getting prior to surgery has improved significantly but left with this pain which is isolated to one area.
Sharp/stabbing pains in one area since la... - Endometriosis UK
Sharp/stabbing pains in one area since laparoscopy in July

was your Endo Specialist an experienced BGSE accredited surgeon? I think you need a referral from your Gp to Gyne regarding this. When is you follow up appointment? Mention it there?
Otherwise call the Specialists Secretary. Ring hospital switchboard and ask for their Secretary. Ask if there’s an Endo nurse in the team. Mine is very helpful. Rings me, emails me.
You don’t need to struggle on in silence here. It needs fixing as it’s affecting your ability to work and tell them this when you speak to anybody.
You’re not alone in this, we are here 🫶🏻💛🥇 but it does feel lonely in the day to day and pain is scary, especially after an op where you thought it would be sorted out. Can you work from home? Use a heat pad where it hurts £20 from Amazon. A tens machine is £25 from Amazon. Neither take the pain away, they offer a distraction or comfort. I think doing something to help yourself takes the edge of the emotional stress of feeling helpless.
I sincerely hope you get the help you need quickly. But if you don’t, you get other things to try to take the edge off the scary feelings. It’s all very normal ok. Huge hugs and love 💪🏻💛🥇
Thank you for taking the time to respond! I’m really not sure if my surgeon was BGSE accredited all I know is that it said he specialised in endometriosis but it was through the nhs not private. I had my follow up with the surgeon who said it won’t be anything to do with the surgery or endo and pretty much dismissed it and discharged me from gyne! All he had to say about it was maybe I have a disc problem in my back or kidney stones but said also said i am unlikely to have either of these due to my age. I have another appointment with my GP on the 31st of December so hoping they listen and continue to try find me some answers! I will look into the tens machine as I’ve heard a few people say it does ease some of their pain. Hope you are well also x
Great stuff to have a plan. You can ask for a second opinion from Gynecology. It’s your right as a Patient. Take care of yourself!
I’m waiting on a hysterectomy next appointment is March to discuss pelvic MRI results which was good news. The adhesions have got a little bit less since my last MRI. I’m on Zomorph, a heavy opioid medication. (Morphine). It’s bad but managed, for now. 💪🏻💛🥇
I have the exact same thing. My surgery was over 10 years ago but I have always experienced the pain on my left side like you describe. Mine tends to be worse in the morning if it is flaring. I have always presumed it’s maybe scar tissue as I’ve had clear ultrasounds since the surgery. However I suspect it’s likely I have some endo that doesn’t show on ultrasounds to the average sonographer. I did see an endo specialist recently who suggested I could maybe have endo on my sigmoid colon but this obviously can’t be confirmed without surgery, which I don’t feel I want to go for a the moment.
I’m sorry you have been dealing with this for over 10 years! Don’t think we ever get a break! yeah I’ve just made my own assumption that maybe it’s scarring that’s developed since surgery but it’s hard to know as I had pain all over before surgery, so maybe this pain was always there but because I had widespread pain previous it wasn’t as noticeable compared to now. It would be good to just know what it is so I know how to handle it best when it flares up x
Sorry to jump in on the post but I also have left sided pain after surgery and I’m concerned it might be endo on my bowel too (although my surgeon said there was no bowel endo last year when I had my surgery). Do you mind sharing why your specialist may think you have endo on your sigmoid colon? Would be interest to see if the symptoms are similar x
I think he thought there was a possibility of it being there because of the area that I pointed to, but also because I get the most pain when my bowels are full in the morning. I used to just think that it was maybe when the bowel and bladder are full before getting up they could be creating pressure on scar tissue from my original surgery. I had some bodywork ( Bowen therapy) recently and that gave my 2 weeks pain free from the left sided pain which was great
I think some specialists can pick up endo on mri scans so maybe worth seeing if that would be available to you. It varies so much between areas as to the level of support and care you can get from the nhs. Unfortunately I don’t have any useful advice to help you. But just to let you know you’re not alone and that mine has gone on for over ten years but never turned into anything obvious on a scan. It’s always stayed at a manageable level ( however I think most of us women probably put up with far too much pain and call it manageable! ) Maybe keep a pain diary to see if you can pin point when your pain is worse or if there’s anything that seems to trigger it. Eg times in your cycle, foods, exercise, stress, or if it’s when your bowels or bladder are full.
Yes I can manage it most times but every now and then it becomes a bit too much. Like you say I think we just accept pain and deal with it as women lol. Keeping a pain diary is a good point actually, I do think exercise triggers it sometimes so be worth making note of. Thank you x