Sharp pains making it hard to move - Endometriosis UK

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Sharp pains making it hard to move

princessk09 profile image
ā€¢27 Replies

The sharp pain in my right side has returned even worse šŸ˜« Iā€™m lay in bed and unable to move as the pain is so bad and the nausea is horrible

It feels like something is twisting and pulling but I donā€™t know if itā€™s my ovary or something else like my appendix

Anyone else experience this?

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princessk09 profile image
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27 Replies
cmbxm profile image

If you suspect even in the slightest itā€™s your appendix, warn your parents youā€™re concerned incase you suddenly get very ill and phone 111 for advice on whether you should see an out of hours doctor or go straight to a&e,donā€™t mess about with appendixes incase it is! xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to cmbxm

My parents probably wonā€™t even believe me tbh. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s causing the pain but Iā€™ll keep an eye on it xx

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to princessk09

I agree, I had appendicitis 5 years ago and it sounds similar to the symptoms I had and I needed my appendix removing. Maybe ring 111 to see what they say? Better to be safe than sorry xx

cmbxm profile image
cmbxm in reply to princessk09

Doesnā€™t matter, if you suddenly collapse or getting very ill, they need to have an inkling why x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to cmbxm

I told them this morning and they was like ā€œitā€™s just in your head and bet thereā€™s nothing even wrong with youā€ this is why I canā€™t tell them anything as they think Iā€™m lying xx

cmbxm profile image
cmbxm in reply to princessk09

Thatā€™s actually shocking, hope your lap shows something so you can tell them where to stick it and prove itā€™s not in your head!! Xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to cmbxm

Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking as well xx

cmbxm profile image
cmbxm in reply to princessk09

Just remember you arenā€™t on your own and weā€™ve all got your back here! X

mduncan98 profile image

Iā€™m currently in hospital with the exact same!!!! No one knows what it is and they are hesitant whether to send me for surgery or not!! Iā€™ve been in this pain since Tuesday! I think itā€™s best to get professional help if you think it may be something to do with your appendix!

Lostintransit profile image
Lostintransit in reply to mduncan98

Have they checked your white cell count? Plus the other tests. Just donā€™t end up with a 6 inch scar for nothing. I did and itā€™s shite. Hopefully you have a much better consultant than I did. It was endo, I never had appendicitis.

Good luck hon

Cazza25 profile image

If it's your appendix or your ovary and something bursts you could end up with peritonitis, which is a serious infection in your abdomen! A burst ovary can behave like endometriosis which is difficult to live with and difficult to get rid of through surgery. I think you should phone 111 and get advice, or at least be seen by a doctor. Don't leave it! Hope you get sorted out quickly šŸ˜Š

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Cazza25

Thank you, I have to sort of sneak around my parents though as they always shout at me and say itā€™s just in my head.

Normally the sharp pain disappears but Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s ovulation atm which can be painful for me. But the pain is like just to the right of my belly button and just above my pubic bone.

Lostintransit profile image
Lostintransit in reply to princessk09

I get that pain now hon and itā€™s the endo. No appendix.

JenBrown1983 profile image

Ovulation pain for me is agony!!!! Either left or right side. Hot water bottle on your tummy and pain relief xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to JenBrown1983

Iā€™ve tried hot water bottle and painkillers and it doesnā€™t help at all. Iā€™m like sat silently in pain as I canā€™t tell my parents without being judged or insulted šŸ™„

Itā€™s just constant sharp pains and feels like something is twisting and being pulled xx

Lostintransit profile image
Lostintransit in reply to JenBrown1983

Iā€™ve got 3 hot water bottles of different sizes but Iā€™ve recently bought a heating pad and wow! It has a timer so you can drop off, different heat temperatures. It really helps and they arenā€™t even that expensive. Itā€™s worth having a look hon

Nads ā­ļø

JenBrown1983 profile image
JenBrown1983 in reply to Lostintransit

The heat pad is fantastic!!!! I got one a few months ago. Definitely worth investing in xx

Lostintransit profile image
Lostintransit in reply to JenBrown1983

Agreed 100%! My cat also agrees the little sod!

JenBrown1983 profile image
JenBrown1983 in reply to Lostintransit

Aww I can imagine lol x

Lostintransit profile image

Hi! I just want to make sure that, because people are accusing you of the fact that itā€™s in your head, make sure that you donā€™t get your appendix taken out when thereā€™s no need either. 15 years ago when my symptoms got as bad as yours sounds hon, I was told it might be my appendix due to the slight deviation in my white cell count which was actually nothing to do with my appendix. So this idiot surgeon, and he was an idiot, told me he was going to do a lap to look. I woke up with a 6 inch scar and he said, thereā€™s nothing wrong with you. I decided to open you up to check properly so I took your appendix out anyway so this pain doesnā€™t happen again. I was baffled and now angry.

So if the pain gets too much to bear hon, you have to go to the hospital. Like the other ladies say, peritonitis, burst cyst, infection, you have to get it checked out my love. Just donā€™t let them treat you like you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. The one thing I say to every single woman is, itā€™s your body and you know it better than anyone. Iā€™m sorry about ppl accusing you of lying but the Drs also like to say it too. Itā€™s horrible that for most of us, weā€™re used to being treated like crap.

Good luck lovely


princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Lostintransit

Hey, Iā€™m so sorry you went through all that. I think itā€™s just really bad ovulation pains but the pain is slightly higher than usually. Plus itā€™s been the same for 3 days.

I canā€™t talk to my parents as they think Iā€™m being dramatic and making it up. My doctors just give me painkillers all the time and they donā€™t help.

Lostintransit profile image
Lostintransit in reply to princessk09

Iā€™m so sorry that you canā€™t talk to your parents hon. Im very lucky that I have the full support of my family. Iā€™d take advantage of the painkillers right now hon because my Drs have suddenly decided to bring me off my dihydrocodeine because theyā€™re all having their wrists slapped apparently. Iā€™ve spoken to women all over the country, the us, Canada and itā€™s as if they suddenly donā€™t realise what chronic pain is. Iā€™m in a huge panic and Iā€™m not the only one. Pain clinic had me on morphine which they actually prefer?! 60mg prolonged release. But morphine and I donā€™t get along. I nearly lost my mind. I want something less stronger because I donā€™t find that the morphine doesnā€™t help the pain. Iā€™m terrified of going back to the days of ending up in casualty for pain relief and being accused of being a drug seeker. I canā€™t go back to those days, Iā€™m too old now! Iā€™m 37!

As for your parents, I wish I knew what to say hon. I donā€™t understand how they can be so dismissive.

And when you say ā€œ I think itā€™s JUST really bad ovulation pain. It took me years to realise that this pain I was having wasnā€™t normal. Iā€™d say exactly what you have just said, ā€œitā€™s just my periodā€. Itā€™s not normal. The pain is not normal hon. This sounds daft but I think it was strictly come dancing, one of the women had started their period that day and all she was concerned about was bloating. I remember thinking, ā€œhow the hell can you dance on your period?!ā€. That was one realisation out of many.

So whatā€™s next for you now? Do you have an appointment with your dr? You say they throw painkillers at you. Why on earth are they giving you painkillers for something when they donā€™t know what it is?? Itā€™s disgusting and you need to be referred to gynae, if you havenā€™t already.

Best of luck lovely ā¤ļø

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Lostintransit

Hey, Iā€™m waiting for a lap but I could be waiting until Christmas! Iā€™ve already been waiting 3 months.

My doctors have sent letters to my gynae to try and speed me up the list but he hasnā€™t responded or anything. Iā€™m petrified for my lap as what is nothing is found. Even though my gynae and doctor think itā€™s on my pelvis and could be on my bowel

I know my pain isnā€™t normal as itā€™s everyday some months. Most of the time Iā€™m in severe pain during ovulation and my period. Xx

PandoraPenguin profile image

I hope that you are feeling a bit better today. It's good that you have recognised that things are not OK and that you have sought Drs advice. Use the info from here to be your own advocate. It is tough your parents are not too supportive. My parents, and I'm over 40, didn't grasp how bad things were for me, or maybe didn't want to acknowledge it, until I was prescribed morphine. Back with pain again now I told my mom I have to have a hysterectomy and her response was to ask if it was that bad really. I told her how bad it is and I still don't think she gets it! It's a sad fact that with this condition that people don't know how bad it can be. They think period pain or a bit of tummy ache like with an upset stomach. My in-laws, on the other hand, got context for my pain when my brother-in-law dislocated his knee and was given painkillers which knocked him for six but were what I was taking daily. It kind of woke them up to what my daily pain was like.

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to PandoraPenguin

I have still have pain but itā€™s not as bad as the last few days. Iā€™ve never had ovulation pain this bad before.

I think everyone including my boyfriend is sick of me saying Iā€™m in pain all the time so I just decided to keep quiet. I have to go to the doctors secretly otherwise my parents call me dramatic xx

LilRebeles profile image

Hello Princess,

When I was 16 I had terrible pain in my side and all I could do was curl up in a ball. My parents tried the appendix test (pushing on my right side and then letting up suddenly to see how that affected the pain). My pain wasn't really affected by that sudden release in pressure, but the pain persisted right there in the area of my appendix.

I went to the hospital and the doctors couldn't find anything conclusive so I consented to surgery. It turned out to be an ovarian cyst that was twisting. Technically not life threatening, but they said the pain would've never let up if they hadn't removed it.

I have a friend who walked around for three days with a punctured appendix (she didn't feel so much pain as much as nausea). She was very lucky she didn't die (usually a burst appendix needs attention within hours, not days).

Don't mess around with your appendix. Get it checked out right away.

If it is a twisting cyst, don't get hooked on painkillers when you can stop the pain at the source. I'm afraid you'll have to take your health into your own hands if your parents won't listen to you.

Good luck!

Suzileverell profile image

I have been suffering with similar pain on and off for 3 years now.

The pains been so bad my other half called 111 I then got rushed into hospital with suspicion of appendicitis lucky I didn't have it and was able to go home. Cut a long story short I have had a laparoscopy and no endo was found but they did notice my right ovary was stuck to the pelvic flore wall and that's why I was experiencing extreme pain.

Hope you get the pain under control it's really not a nice thing to go through. Xx

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