Hello ladies, hope your ok doing as well as can be.
So I’m 4 weeks post op but unfortunately have had some complications I spent all day at SDEC yesterday who were amazing I had bladder scans, ct scans loads more tests, where they found I had a nasty infection and I’ve been given meds for the pain/swelling. I knew something was wrong just a shame it took me 3 weeks to get anywhere!
How do you deal with people making snide comments/digs it’s really making me upset now.
Comments like ‘oh I thought you would be driving by now’ ‘isn’t it time you got on with it you’ve only had a laparoscopy’
I spoke to the doctor yesterday as I got a bit upset to her & she said my op was very extensive and not to be hard on myself as due to the complications I won’t be able to drive for at least 6 weeks post op. I just feel really upset as I’m trying so hard to be okay just these set backs I can’t currently stand straight either because of the swelling. & just don’t need these little comments 😢
Sorry for the long message just wanted to speak to people who understand x