I had a laparoscopy in December where I had endo removed from my USL & pouch of Douglas. As far as the surgeons are aware - I should now be endo free. HOWEVER, this past couple of weeks I've had grumbly period pain as if it is returning (only 8 weeks post op).. on Saturday I passed out and vomited because the lower abdomen pain was so intense. Has anyone else experienced this??? I have had this intense pain a few times before - I had an ultrasound as they thought it could be cysts popping on my ovaries but it wasn't. My surgeon said if anything returns I'd need to be referred to an endometriosis clinic.
I just want some advice as whether I should go back to the doctors or whether it could still just be healing pains? As obviously if I go back then another op is the only option...
5/6 times I've had the intense pain has been after intercourse, not sure if this is the same with anyone else.
Thank you x