Hi everyone,
Had my first lap yesterday & before the op the consultant said she didn’t think it was Endo but I have literally exhausted every other possible thing it could be so this was the absolute last possible condition.
Woke up after the op to be told ‘we found nothing, your insides look perfectly healthy’. Baring in mind it was in a private hospital (thankfully work covers my private health insurance) with an Endo specialist surgeon.
I should be relieved that it’s not endo, but most of me just wanted to burst into tears. This has been months (years before that) of me waiting and having different tests and everything showing up as negative. And now I’m in Agony post op, but still not a single answer.
My consultant literally told me ‘there’s no reason for your pain, it’s just unfortunate’. So I have all the symptoms of endo (and several other conditions) and now I feel like I’ve been making it all up in my head. My close friends and family have seen me screaming in pain which is why I know it’s not made up but I just really wanted an answer
Is it normal to be upset that my laps showed up healthy? I feel I should be grateful but I’m genuinely Just so upset that I’m back At square one, no answers and have been just told to attend a pain management clinic which doesn’t even nearly solve my problem.
Thanks for reading,
Sorry it’s so rant-y