I fed as though I’m banging my head up against a brick wall!
I’m feeling so frustrated by medical professionals, the ones who fob you off with
“your scans clear and your bloods are normal”
“everything looks reassuring”
Ok, but my scan isn’t clear and I’m not making up my symptoms. I left my scan yesterday feeling validated only to be knocked back again by the person who is supposed to be my specialist.
I’m awaiting biopsy results too after a hysteroscopy and can’t help but wonder if there is something sinister as my lining is still abnormally thick even after my period
I just feel like giving up, if this is how the rest of my life is going to be then I don’t want to be here anymore! I can’t carry on with the pain, it is affecting every aspect of my life, it has taken away my chance to be a mum and it is slowly destroying my career. I have nothing left!