Sent home with two weeks of doxy and metro tablets from hospital discharge, third time in 18 months, on surgery list for pelvic pain, endometrial cyst, abscess. I think endo has affected my digestive tract and wondering if anyone has found the antibiotics has helped their endo or their digestive tract? Or does it cause other issues? Sorry if this post is confusing, feels like so much is going on inside and I don't have any clear answers
Antibiotics and Endo and digestive tract - Endometriosis UK
Antibiotics and Endo and digestive tract

Hi Hannah. I'm in a similar situation to you. I've been in hospital 3 times in the last year, two admissions with doxy and metro. I have stage 4 endometriosis and adeno diagnosed at the first admission. The anotiobixs they have to prescribe because my CRP was 250 with a temp first admission 39.7, second 38.9 (highest). The antibiotics will do nothing for the endo... In fact for me I was quite sick on them but if you have a potential infection they can't avoid this. After I had fluid drained from my pelvis it was actually all blood. Have you had an MRI? Are you under and BSGE centre or have you not had a confirmed diagnosis yet?
Hi Eesh, thank you for your message, I haven't had an MRI , hospital haven't mentioned but GP said it's a possibility to have one. I have had three or four ct scans which showed original abcess and later cysts , and only last week had a vaginal ultrasound which showed a large endometrial cyst. The hospital is apparently a bsge centre but I was discharged an hour after being told about endometrial cyst with no further explanation , have had to read online about the condition
Hi Hannah. Another person who falls under disgraceful care so I was told I had a tubo ovarian abscess at my first admission and because of the fluid in my pelvis on the ct I needed surgery straight away. There was no abscess, just straight blood everywhere.
You cannot see endometriosis on a CT unless you have certain things so I have a frozen pelvis etc. but an MRI will show deep infiltrating endometriosis. Of you have an endometrioma, you'll most likely be at stage 3 or 4.
I would really push to meet with the endometriosis specialist wherever you are based and no a gynaecologist on their own as they will not know how to help. It's complex, takes a lot to manage and I'm still in the process of getting through what we need too overwhelming a year later but seeing the endo specialist was the best decision we made
It will seem quite scary but I'd highly push for that if possible. Get all the information you can. They can only diagnose endo formally through surgery so that might be what you're on the list for but it can take a year on the NHS so definitely see who you can see in the meantime.
Thank you, the gynacologist I'm under is I think the head of the local bsge centre, I've not met the endometriosis nurse, they've not mentioned any further support or explanation. When I rang the discharge ward and asked if I could speak to endometriosis nurse for advice they said one was off sick and the other was busy and I didn't need to speak to her. I've been told my surgery will be in December, been on the list since March I think. I'm worried its affecting my bowels and speaking to gp about possible mri. Mine started with an abscess too in March 2024. Was given antibiotics, no follow up appointment or scan or drainage until it reoccurred in oct 2023 then hospitaled again and finally got gynacology appointment later. It's so frustrating that womens health isn't taken seriously. I hope you are feeling better soon and get the help you need and answers