Does any one else get cystitis or uti symptoms ? I've had the last 3-4 days a paint in my bladder area I would say the urine tract. It's really uncomfortable. Any help ?
Urine Tract: Does any one else get cystitis... - Endometriosis UK
Urine Tract
Yes around ovulation mainly. It hurts to pee in my bladder, both flanks and sometimes I feel pressure bearing down. It's just awful isn't it. Hope you feel better soon x
Thank you. I'm in to the second week on my pill packet do you still ovulate on the pill ? Because I do get symptoms around that time. It's the first time I've experienced this along with all the other symptoms just great isn't it lol xx

Lol. Such fun in all honesty the pill is meant to suppress ovulation but there are that many different ones that do different things I couldn't tell you for sure. The tri-phasic pills mimic your cycle so although ovulation shouldn't occur it may mimic what would happen naturally but I really don't know. I'm at one of those specialist centres a week on Tuesday so I'm hoping I get sorted, I've so had enough of this now xx
Yes i experience this... for about 6 months my gp kept checking with a dip stick for infection as white cells were raised every time they kept prescribing me antibiotics. When the sample had been to the lab for testing it was clear everytime. I went for a cystoscopy and the consultant said everything was fine. My gyne consultant thinks it may be endo on my bladder. Its awful isnt it... i hope you feel better soon x
Take a urine sample to your gp and get it checked pronto - you could have a bladder infection which can spread to your kidneys if you don't do anything about it - gp will prescribe an antibiotic if needs be.
It could just be Endo on bladder causing the pain though, but better to get checked out. Make sure you say to consultant about this next time if no infection found.
I was discussing this with my consultant a couple of weeks ago. As I suffer with bladder problems too. GPs will just do a dip test and if white blood cells are elevated will describe antibiotics - not always necessary as endo can cause a condition called Interstitial cystitis which is in the bladder and abtibiotics are ineffective apparently. I get pain in my pelvis, need to see suddenly, and frequently. He advised that the best thing to do to suppress the symptoms ( there's no cure which doesn't shock me) is diet. I have been advised to cut out the following - red wine ( all alcohol isn't great for it but red wine the worst), citrus fruits, fizzy and carbonated drinks, tomatoes, spicy foods. I had never heard of this until I went to see my consultant again. I'm also thinking of going for a tolerable test as endo is linked with intolerances to see if there are any other dietry changes I can make in the hope to relieve symptoms and increase my chances of conceiving. I hope this helps and you feel better soon.
I've had bladder infections for the last 4 years. Turned out I had endo inside my bladder which was causing irritation and bleeding. I had an op a year ago and was pain free for 6 months. My Endo has returned in the same place and so has my bladder infection. I have been on antibiotics for 4 months, I recently did a urine test and turns out I have high inflammation in my body but no infection. When I eat solid foods it irritates the imflammation and causes pains in my bowels and bladder.