Healing time : It is coming up to 3 weeks... - Endometriosis UK

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Healing time

Lunaloo123 profile image
29 Replies

It is coming up to 3 weeks since my laparoscopy and although the outside is healing, I don’t feel too good.

I can’t quite tell if the pain is just from where the surgeon poked around or if it is the same pain as before.

My friend had a major operation the day before I did and is going on 15/20 min walks now. My mother took me to the supermarket to get out of the house and I held on to her arm because I thought I was going to collapse. Am I being over dramatic? Is it normal? Does anyone else feel this?

I feel so pathetic and weak.

I am working from home this week but only in the mornings and everyone has been so kind, I just personally feel like a dramatic failure and need advice.

Many thanks x

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Lunaloo123 profile image
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29 Replies
Bakewey profile image

I’m sorry you are not feeling great. Do you know what was done? Was it purely diagnostic or did you have done removal?

Surgery is different for everyone. After my diagnostic lap, I found walking difficult (I’d never found it difficult before). I also bleed a lot (more than before).

Strangely, I had a full hysterectomy two weeks ago and am already walking 10 mins and am feeling better than before… endo is strange and our bodies unique.

My advice would be to follow what your body is telling you to do. It took my at least 6 weeks to feel normal after my diagnostic lap. Fingers crossed you to feel better soon.

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Bakewey

Hey, it was a diagnostic lap, they removed two large patches of endometriosis but there’s still some in there which I think the surgeon said was attached to my bowel so she couldn’t remove it there and then.

You’re right, everyone is different.

Wow, I hope you feel okay after the hysterectomy. I’ve heard that it changes so many women’s lives (in a positive way)

Thank you so much for replying.

Tangoandmax profile image

Hi, I had my op 1st August. I had a bit done and was told it would take around 4–6 weeks to heal however, I’m still massively fatigued after being active (like going to the supermarket etc). Just trying to do more each day/week and build up back to normality. Don’t rush yourself, it’s very frustrating but like the other comment said, it’s drastically different for everyone so comparing yourself to others will absolutely make you feel worse, when you’re possibly comparing oranges to pears.

Just a note on pain, I couldn’t differentiate between if the pain was post op or same as previous. I would have bouts that were similar (in location) but much more severe which was confusing! Ive recently had my first period post op (still painful) and pain seems to have improved post this at week eight. Just hoping it lasts!

My worries were exactly the same at your stage of recovery but give I would give it at least 4-6 weeks before assessing/worrying x

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Tangoandmax

You have made me feel so much better. I am a bugger for comparing with other people, I don’t want anyone to think I’m making it up or being weak.

Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you are feeling okay and that it works out for you. I love this group because we have each other.


Comedykid profile image

hi, I’m now nearly 8 weeks post op and am only just starting to have less pain. I still feel exhausted after doing anything like going for a walk or a day of work.

Up until this week I was still getting shooting pain in my right side and groin, this week it has turned into an ache so hopeful it will go in time, each person is different and my aurgwon said that you have moved things about and there will be inflammation inside from the op and healing.

Give yourself time and don’t beat your awful up as you have been pocked prodded and cut inside and this will take much longer to heal then the outside :)

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Comedykid

Aw bless you!

I’m sorry it took you so long to heal and really hope that it gets better for you.

It’s exhausting trying to be “normal” again.

Thank you so much for your message! I think I’m being too impatient but I just thought I’d be okay by now x

Comedykid profile image
Comedykid in reply to Lunaloo123

I thought I would as well, I thought I would go back to work and wvything would be great but I was exhausted. It is a major or even if the incisions look minor, that is what I have to keep reminding myself.

Give yourself some time and you will get there, don’t push yourself like I did as that may set you back, it’s okay not to heal as quickly as your friend. If she didn’t have the same op then it good to remember that it is your pelvic area that has been messed about with with affects so many areas of our lives :)

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Comedykid

You are so right. The scars are healing nicely, so it looks like it wasn’t a massive op. But what they’ve done is pretty major and may be life changing… I’ve just got to be patient!

I hope that you start to feel better and that the aching subsides.

Thanks for helping me feel better x

Maybeendo profile image

as long as it isn’t severe I think it’s normal. I had a very simple lap with a few bits removed and honestly it wasn’t until week 5 that I started to feel semi normal and I’m almost 8 weeks and I’m at 95%. I think it was at week 6 I felt good. I think week 3-4 was my worst as I thought I’d feel better and I felt a bit useless !!! But just know it does get better and you’ve done the hardest bit 🥰 when you read you should be back to normal activities in 2 weeks - you think you’re over reacting - but you’re not! My surgeon told me it’s all normal at my 6 weeks post op and just to listen to your body. When I started to take it easier, I healed much better 🙏🏻

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Maybeendo

Thank you so much for replying. You have made me feel better. They didn’t really give me a healing time, just the leaflets that it may take 2 weeks etc and I have just kept that in mind.

As this is week 3, you have helped me as I thought I would be better by now and it’s the frustration of not feeling that yet.

Thanks again and I hope all is well with you and it all works out x

Welshpearl profile image


I'm sorry you are experiencing so much pain. You have had surgery and lots of internal disrespect that your body needs to heal from.

My daughter (17) had her first lap last October (2023) from which they removed endo from all places that were visible including top of bowl.

She was still experiencing pain 10 weeks on, very similar to you and felt that the operation hadn't worked, felt like the pain was the same if not worse! She finally saw slight improvements after about 3 months but it was a slow process. It also affected her walking etc and it's only now coming up to a year later that she feels she can walk distance. Now and then she has to have small breaks and a sit down. She did go back to her gymnastics club after about 12 weeks and slowly eased back in as this was positive for her mental health and exercise.

We were told that it can take 6 months to 1 year to get back to normal but appreciate that with Endo no one really knows where they are as it's a case of managing not curing. Sometimes your progress is so slow and you don't notice. I just wanted to say please don't be harsh on yourself. Try not to put timeframes on recovery as everyone is different and has their own experiences and it can mentally affect you.

Wishing you all the best with the recovery. Take care.

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Welshpearl

Wow, aged 17!? What a rockstar! I bet you are so proud of her.

I’m close to tears after your message. I believe that I’ve been suffering with this since around that age (if not before) and it’s only just been seen to. Although it is horrendous that she’s had to go through this, I am so happy that they have done the op for her.

Thank you for your kind words, I am being harsh on myself, I am not a lazy or unwilling person. So every time I feel that I can’t do something and can’t explain why, I feel that everyone will think I’m exaggerating or making it up.

All the best for your daughter and you x

Welshpearl profile image
Welshpearl in reply to Lunaloo123

Thank you for you kind words. Yes, I am proud of the way she has coped. It took around 2yrs from first going to the doctor's to finally having the laparoscopy!It's such a struggle for women and my heart goes out to everyone who has had to live with this horrid disease for so many years and decades without being diagnosed or taken seriously!

I hope now we are in a changing world where the young girls and future generations will not have to suffer!


Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Welshpearl

All the best for her! I don’t know her but I’m proud of her too. Women’s health is still hard to deal with/ talk about and cope with and we are in 2024!!

Once I feel better, I am planning on raising some awareness and money for endo and see what I can do to help. (This may be in a years time but we shall see)

All the best! I know it would have been hard for you too so take care both of you x

MrsPaddingtonBear profile image


You are not a failure!!!!!!

Have you checked with GP that you don’t have a post op infection? It also depends how much “work” they did in there too. If it was extensive it’s going to take a bit longer to recover. It can take up to 3 months for your insides to be happy again after abdominal surgery. There’s a lot of muscular pulling about that has to settle. You will get there take your time and be kind and gentle with yourself. If you can work in your pjs at home do it! Best of luck.

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to MrsPaddingtonBear

Thank you so much. I feel like one but I am a bugger got comparing myself to others (I know- stupid)

I’m going to make an appointment with my GP to see if maybe she will let me work from home for another couple of weeks and see what she suggests.

PJs and hot water bottles at the ready! Anything to be comfortable.

All the best x

Cocoacupid profile image

hun depending on what the surgeon did it takes a while for the insides to heal. Yes the outside scars heal super fast but inside it takes time . You certainly are not being dramatic. Also everyone heals at a different rate . Please don’t compare to your friend as that will only upset . I got sepsis after my first operation which was a diagnostic lap and a cystectomy I was told because of the work I do that I would need three weeks off work. I ended up having about four and abit weeks off as one of the weeks was in the hospital treating the nasty infection I had. I was anxious for my operation that I had back in may this year as I compared the what ifs. They only gave me a month off but I asked my gp for longer as I was still napping in the afternoon nearly at the four week mark. I have fibromyalgia so I was told by the pain clinic dr that my progress would be slower than the average person . With anything I have good and bad days . It does depress me at times as I plan in my head to do so many tasks but I may only manage half of those tasks or maybe two of the tasks. Please be gentle with yourself. Baby steps . As I said you can always ask the gp for more time off regardless whether you are working from home or not. Take care and take it easy. Xx

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Cocoacupid

Wow, I hope you’re okay! I bet that was really tough on you!

One of the main issues with this condition is the operation in the first place. Especially if you have another condition as well so I understand why you would be anxious.

Like you, I’ve constantly tried to make plans (I’ve got a To Do list for this week… I’ve crossed one thing off so far)

I will definitely speak to the GP and see what she says and if she can extend my time at home.

Thank you for replying and I hope all is well with you x

Cocoacupid profile image
Cocoacupid in reply to Lunaloo123

Unfortunately I don’t think my surgery has been successful as getting my severe pains again it’s been five months nearly but my bowel symptoms back again the severe pains in my chest as well and under my ribs the consultant said he had taken all seen endo away it helped for the first two weeks my bowel felt easier to empty now it’s paining me to use the toilet and even my bladder feels awful to empty in wondering if its in my lungs as have been getting physically unwell just had a chest infection and just finished the steroids and antibiotics. Since my my last op nearly every month I’ve had an infection. Xx you take care xx

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Cocoacupid

Oh my gosh that’s awful. I am so sorry that you’re going through this!

So do you think there’s more endo in there or is it something else?

It sounds like bathroom-wise we are on the same page. Such a glamorous illness we have.

I hope that you get all the support you need and that it gets sorted for you as soon as possible.

All the best xx

Cocoacupid profile image
Cocoacupid in reply to Lunaloo123

Think it could be elsewhere or grown back super quickly. I just get so rundown again even with taking multi vitamins and things xx

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Cocoacupid

Oh gosh! Well I hope that it gets sorted for you because I know how hard it must be.

This group has been an amazing support and we’re here for you.

All the best and take it easy! Xx

Cocoacupid profile image
Cocoacupid in reply to Lunaloo123

Thank you 🙏 and yes this group is amazing 🤩 there is another group on Facebook called endometriosis guidance and information group. But I prefer here x

Ru8yred profile image

hey ! I’m so sorry you feel this way. I had my surgery two weeks ago and I’m the same, I had my first day out yesterday and walking is a struggle. I had two large Endo bits removed and a cyst so I feel you !! Honestly you just gotta give it time, I am so so bored of healing but everyone keeps saying there ‘no right way to heal’ because everyone is different. I think also we forget that they’ve just disturbed parts of our body which were sore and sensitive before, and so it’ll take longer to heal ?

Be kind to yourself, take all the time you need x

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Ru8yred

We really are on the same page! Well done for getting out, I bet it was tough. I don’t know about you but every time anyone suggests exercise or moving… I just want to throw something at them (joking…sort of) so well done for actually doing it!

You are right. It was sensitive in the first place so of course it’s going to hurt. I will get more patient, it just only feels like it’s been done but it was just over 2 weeks ago so I thought I’d be okay by now.

All the best in your recovery and I hope you feel better soon!

Take care x

Ru8yred profile image
Ru8yred in reply to Lunaloo123

Honestly I totally feel you, people keep asking if I can go back to work now or if I’m any better yet. I think also before it does look small from the outside, it doesn’t look like much. If we had a cast over that part of our body I reckon people would take it more seriously. Classic !! We deserve all the time in the world to rest. Hope you have a good week of resting xx

Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to Ru8yred

You are completely right! Maybe we should put a cast on anyway just so they know that it’s still healing. Though I think that would make it harder to do all this exercise that we are expected to do!

It’s those questions of when we can get back to it that makes you feel pressured to get better isn’t it?

I hope everything eases for you and wish you all the best xx

brontec profile image
brontec in reply to Ru8yred

I think this whole discussion sums up how women’s health is viewed by the medical profession and society at large. We are supposed to just get in with it no matter what and stop complaining. I am 5 weeks post total hysterectomy (fortunately key hole etc) and was being told that I’d be quite ok to “get back to it” after 4 weeks. For the first time in my life I am taking notice of my body and what it needs. I rushed back to work after being delivered of my two children and 23 and 18years ago and looking back see nothing but the pressure other women exert on our mindsets about what “normal” is meant to be! I actually think women are the problem to themselves as we just accept what we are meant to feel and when.

I have had my uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries removed following the discovery of endometriosis and like most of the dear people on this forum had suffered for years with no understanding or diagnosis of what the pain was all about. I’m now in my mid 50’s and it’s taken an age to accept that I too was being hoodwinked by people into accepting that this is what one has to suffer. My point is simple. Listen to your body and soul and do what is right for you and what you can afford. I have worked all my life and will continue to recover in the safety of my home for as long as I need and in view of the significance of the organs that have been removed will think about returning to work in another 6-8 weeks.

Look after yourselves and if anyone uses the word “dramatic” about your feelings and health, you just walk right away.


Lunaloo123 profile image
Lunaloo123 in reply to brontec

You are completely right. We are in 2024 and I can’t see that there have been any improvements or breakthroughs in women’s health. It still seems like a taboo subject and we have been told to get on with it!

That is a lot for your body to go through, I hope that you are okay and recovery goes well.

I’ve been close to tears with most of the messages/ peoples stories on here today. I’m very grateful that we have each other to talk to and learn from.

I just hate feeling that I have to justify my feelings and that the only way I can clarify that this is “normal” is to talk to you all. Even women are hard to convince. One lady that I know told me to “man up” the other day because I was emotional. Now, it may have been a joke but I didn’t laugh…

Take care. Thank you for sharing and I hope all goes well for you xx

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