Hi everyone, I am due to go into surgery in 2 weeks for cyst removal and to see if endometriosis is present (I believe it is) but hopefully get some answers. Just wondering if anyone as some advice on dos & donts? What the expect? What’s everyone’s recovery time been like etc? Many thanks x
CYST REMOVAL: Hi everyone, I am due to go... - Endometriosis UK

hello😊 I had a cyst removed by laparoscopy in June and they found endo at the same time. It was quite painful the day after but the pain got better within a few days. The issue I had is that the incision in my belly button wouldn’t heal but this is apparently quite common. I would just make sure you take plenty of time to recover and don’t rush into anything. I took 6 weeks off from work but I work as a physio tech in the community and because my wounds wouldn’t heal, I couldn’t drive cus it was too painful. I found it helpful to take some short walks as a change of scenery and when I got bored of Netflix!
Thank you for your advice I have had 3 laps already - one for gallbladder removal, further op following gall bladder and then my appendix out (bad luck eh). My wounds have healed fine with those ops. I just didn't know what to expect from this kind of op / what kind of pain I will be in. I do have a desk job and can WFH if needed so maybe I will be able to return a little sooner. Hope you are feeling much better after your op. As the pain eased for you, have you had any side effects? x
The endo diagnosis was a surprise and they also found I have a uterus that is not formed fully so that was hard to get my head around! The belly button incision can be a bit sore from time to time but I’ve not had any other side effects from the surgery😊
be kind to yourself you will feel pretty rough for a while after xx
Hi, I had a 15cm chocolate cyst removed in addition to finding Endo in January. I was off for 6 weeks as that’s what my consultant recommended to me. I would take as long as the hospital will give you when they discharge you and then get a GP sick note if you feel like you need it, because, ultimately, you know your own body best.
The incisions were fine. As my cyst was somewhat liquid based, I did have an extra incision on my pelvic bone area. It was just so they could make sure it all drained out so I had a tube attached for 2 days after. That was probably the worse one of my incisions because of the area it was.
I was in a bit of pain the next day but they managed that with Morphine. They gave me a spinal block during my op so I didn’t have the escaping gas pain or normal aches and pains people feel after surgery. But after 3 weeks I had gone out for the evening and was much more mobile.
Hope your upcoming op goes well! xx
Different view from me - I had an op last week to remove my 9cm cyst on my right ovary and to explore the amount of Endo present. I went in in an incredible amount of pain (I was eating 8 Tramadol a day but was still bed/sofa bound) and came out feeling like a new human.
Cyst removal failed (long story and further surgery needed) but to relieve the pressure, they did drain it. I’ve been on no pain relief since I left hospital.
Issue for me has been doing too much too soon as I’m suddenly pain free. My Husband is being very strict with me 😂 and says I’m a terrible patient.
So I’d say, just see how you feel but remember, you might feel fine on the outside, but remember the work they’ve done on the inside needs to heal too ☺️
what type of cyst ?