Hi,I'm struggling at the moment. I'm waiting for surgery (full hysterectomy, bowel resection, endo excision).
I was told in May 23 it wouldn't be before a year. Then I was told July 24. I was then told they book monthly so ive been on the hope each month that it could be next month and getting by month by month.
I rang the waiting list number this week and have been told they are booked up to October but realistically not until next year.
I cant process this, I'm struggling in my job and want to leave but keep hanging on for surgery so at least I know I will be laid full pay for 8 weeks sick leave.
I'm on zoledax which is helping reduce some pain but now have all the menopause symptoms which I don't want.
I dont know how long I can go on like this.
I'm not sure what I'm asking. Maybe just some understanding and also is there any way I can push for surgery sooner. How bad do you have to be ro get help these days!