I had a laparoscopy in 2019 to excise endo tissue. The surgery was ineffective at relieving my symptoms (agonizing intercourse and period pain) which have recently worsened considerably. Over the past year, I have received conflicting advice from two consultants -- the first said I needed surgery imminently to protect my fertility and relieve pain -- the other told me that everything was completely normal (despite an MRI report that said I had deep infiltrating endo on my bowel) and would not operate at all. This second consultant said that endo is painful and will always be and that I should consider taking different painkillers. Both consultants are endo specialists and have looked at the same MRI report. Who do I believe? Do I try to get a third opinion? At what point do I suck it up and deal with the pain?
Conflicting Advice from Surgeons! - Endometriosis UK
Conflicting Advice from Surgeons!

Im sorry to hear this. I can be incredibly confusing knowing who to trust!
I had three different teams review a recent MRI (standard gyne (NHS), private specialist and a BSGE specialist who all reported different findings. I eventually got an MDT review at a BSGE centre, their report matched what was eventually found during my laparoscopy.
I would simply disregard the opinion of the latter consultant if I were you, their attitude is not cohesive of someone that actually wants to help.
Are both specialists at BSGE centres? If not, you should absolutely request a referral to your local centre as they really are best placed to review/treat endo. I paid to see a private specialist who was absolutely useless, had an appalling attitude and basically made me feel like nothing needed doing. Once the BSGE centre reviewed my scans/symptoms my surgery was expedited as urgent. It’s very frustrating/confusing knowing who to believe.
Thank you for your reply! It is very reassuring to know that someone else has had mixed advice. Can I ask if the BSGE centres are financed by the NHS or are they private? I am definitely going to look into getting a referral. Thanks again!
They are predominantly NHS, I think. You can search your location on the link below and it’ll show you the closest to you. It also lists the accredited consultants, who I guess you could pay to see privately should they do both NHS and private.
Hope this helps!
if you’ve Facebook then try to join this group as wil be able to advise.