Hi everyone, I have been recently diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis. I saw a gynaecologist at my local hospital who said my choices for treatment are either oopherectomy or abdominal hysterectomy as I've had 2 c-sections. There was no mention of a laparoscopy.
I also have hypermobility (EDS) and have been told having a hysterectomy can make it more likely for bladder/bowel prolapse whereas the oopherectomy would preserve the ligaments and prevent this...
I asked if I need an MRI to see how deep the endo is and if it's spread and she said no. I feel very confused as to what would be better and if the oopherectomy would be enough to stop the chronic pain.
Should I get referred to a specialist endometriosis centre for better advice or do you think this sounds accurate? Have any of you had success with an oopherectomy for endo and adenomyosis? Xx