I dont no what to do with my self fell li... - Endometriosis UK

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I dont no what to do with my self fell like giving up

Loki_ profile image
4 Replies

Hi everyone,

I don't normally write on here, but I'm at a loss and have no one else to talk to. I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on my partner, and I need some advice and support.

I recently found out I have stage 4 endometriosis with cysts on my ovaries and kissing ovaries. I also have a heart-shaped womb. It feels pretty safe to say that having kids naturally might be out of reach for me. Even considering IVF seems impossible because I can't afford it. My partner has a child with an ex, so we can't get any help from the NHS, and going private is just not an option.

I'm really struggling to accept that I may never become a mum. A part of me is still clinging to some sort of hope, but seeing all my friends having kids just makes me feel so worthless.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you cope with these feelings? Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for listening.


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4 Replies
K2023 profile image

Hi, hope you are ok it is an awful situation to be in but don’t ever give up . Are you waiting for surgery ? I had endometriosis from 17 told at 29 I wouldn’t have kids and IVF would be a waste of time . I had surgery at 29 to burst cysts and remove endometriosis but I also had polycystic ovaries which they said was a problem on its own . I had no hope husband had a child to ex also , I can sympathise how your feeling . In 2007 I was rushed to hospital with pains me thinking an ovary had burst but I was actually pregnant my gynaecologist was shocked I had a planned ceserean as my womb was beyond tilted .im 49 now and recently had total hysterectomy due to Die .Stay positive and don’t give up big hugs . Xx

Loki_ profile image
Loki_ in reply to K2023

Thank you so much for replying. I can't express how nice it is to talk to someone who is going through or has gone through the same sort of thing. As for the surgery, I think that is the next step. My doctor, well this one I have now, has been amazing. She is trying to get me the most help she can for the endometriosis to help with fertility, so I can try to avoid IVF due to the cost. I don't really know what to expect with surgery, but I will honestly try anything. Thank you again

1Poppy1234 profile image

We struggled to have children and didn't know why at the time and it does hurt to see everyone else getting pregnant etc. I had a ruptured ectopic another ectopic about 10/12 miscarriages some later than others but never gave up and got one in the end had no help from gynae dept just tests for any sexual disease under the sun but never once endo if adeno. Keep positive there's a lot to be said for positive thinking and fill your life as much as you can. 🤞🥰X

Hi! My endo is pretty similar to yours. Stage 4 kissing ovaries, cysts, adnormal tubes with the endo seeming to be largely towards the front of my uterus, covering part of my bladder. We have been trying for 7 years. No luck. Never been pregnant. I have only ever had a diagnostic lap. Nothing removed, just a drained cycst. I had a recent private ivf cycle which was a massive failure. I was a slow responder and they only managed to collect 2 eggs because of the kissing ovaries. Both eggs died the day after collection. To be honest I get through it by having a back up plan. First IVF didn't work so look into surgery next, if surgery doesn't help do this next. It does seem to help. Keeps the sadness at bay. My next stage is surgery, which I am hoping to get this year. Hopefully the surgery helps and I either fall pregnant naturally or through IVF (again). I know I may have to use a donor egg if my own don't work out. If donor eggs don't work.... we will be looking at adoption. Its a terrible position to be in. I understand how horrible it is seeing others falling pregnant and desparately wanting a child. For me the process has helped me realise that yes.... it would be wonderful to have a child of my own blood, but what really matters to me is to be a mum. Consider the surgery option. I really hope it works out for you.

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