Following on from my 2 week fast track referral. I got called Friday to see if I could come I today to see the gyno consultant following my high ca125 levels and large cysts on scan (endometriomas). The guy was really lovely I was very worried after poor treatment for years but he listened, asked lots of questions and explained things clearly to me.
After a few scans and not so pleasant examinations he is confident the cysts are endometriomas on both sides. My left is 6cm but my right is 16cm, I was quite shocked at the difference in size but explains why my pelvic pain is so intense there.
He requested another tumour marker blood test and referred me for an urgent MRI to map out how deep they are and to see the endometriosis specialist to schedule surgery to remove the cysts and any problem bits.
He did say even with urgent referral it may be many months on waiting list and in meantime to take provera. I am a little nervous as it seems to have a lot of side effects and I don't want to feel more unwell. I don't take medication really unless I have to but I guess the pain and bleeding I'm having it's worth a shot.
Any experiences of provera is appreciated! I guess onto the waiting game now.