Hello all, it’s me again…
I’m wondering if anyone can help/provide advice with the contraceptive treatment I’m currently having issue with.
Previously I was taking desogestrel back to back no break to stop ovulation. To say this didn’t agree with me would be an understatement, I bled every day and felt pretty much suicidal. Even though it did help with the daily pain/pain down my legs.
As such, my GP changed me over to Microgynon back to back with a seven day break after three months. I’m nearing my first break but the daily pain, bloating has been constant the entire time I have taken the this pill. The daily bleeding initially stopped for about four weeks (I was over the moon) but since it’s been back, every single day. I feel like I’m carrying a bowling ball in my abdomen. Look like I’m four months pregnant, when I’m not sure I’ll ever get the opportunity. IRONIC. Also been prescribed iron as it’s obviously low, not sure what good it’s doing if I’m still losing blood every day.
I figured I’ll give myself chance to see if the break and restart helps, as I know it can take a while for your body to acclimatise. But I was just wondering if there is anything else I can ask the GP to try? They’re keen to give me the coil but I can’t currently have that fitted due to severe pain on examination/insertion of speculum due to my uterus being completely tethered to my bowel. Also not sure how well that will work for me given it’s progesterone and I haven’t reacted well to the pill or implant previously.
Currently on the waiting list at my local BSGE centre, it’s looking like initial appointment will be August. Not sure if I should just see it through or if there is anything else I can try/ask for?
Any advice would be appreciated. Sick of popping cocodamol like they’re smarties 😩