I had a consultation with my specialist today and he decided to put me on Dienogest following the laparoscopy that I had in January, in which he found endometrial tissue in all four quadrants and a fluid filled pouch of Douglas. He said that he believed that is the reason why the Medroxyprogesterone failed to work, as it is more for milder cases of endometriosis and Dienogest is stronger, however, after reading some posts I have some reservations about it. He did offer Prostap or Zoladex as options as well but thought that it would be better to try the Dienogest before to see if it works. I was just wondering what everyone else’s experience have been like with it? Have you found Dienogest to be effective and has it provided relief? Any insight would be greatly appreciated so I can have an idea of what I may expect.
Dienogest: I had a consultation with my... - Endometriosis UK

I’m in deinogest and it’s amazing. It’s a super strong birth control pill — so instead of doing menopause your body thinks you’re pregnant.
I had some side effects when I first started but by my 2nd month my body had regulated and now it’s been 1.5 years and I have no side effects at all
I’d recommend giving it a try
That’s really reassuring to hear, that puts me at ease a little bit. I’ll definitely give it a go once my gp sends the prescription, only time will tell if it will work but I won’t know unless I try. I’m really hoping that it eases my symptoms because I’m in constant agony from the endometriosis. Thanks for the reply 💜
This is my experience with dienogest; I was put on it in February last year for 3 months, pre-surgery. I found it worked well, my period flow reduced and pains declined as much as they could. (I was diagnosed with severe stage 4 endo across my whole pelvic region up to my diaphragm)
However, during my surgery, a Mirena coil was put in. Post-surgery, my body was balancing the dienogest and a new coil. This led to me struggling with my mental health and feeling very hormonal, so I decided to stop the dienogest. In my most recent check-up, I was put on a combo pill to try to reduce my endo, but I have now had to stop this due to mental health. Basically, on reflection, I have discovered that I can't cope with two types of hormonal treatment (I would get agitated, depressive, emotional and sensitive) rather than any specific treatment.
You should give it a go, as I found it very helpful in slowing down my endo. I would recommend monitoring it and the way it makes you feel, as all medication will impact everyone differently, and you'll know if it is sitting right within a couple of months. When I was only on the dienogest, I personally didn't feel too many side effects, but I stopped it because I didn't feel like going through the process of taking my coil out!
I have decided to note down every day my physical endo pains and how my hormones are impacting my mental health as I'm still personally trying to balance out medication (I'm finding this very helpful, so I would recommend it).
Good luck with your journey, and I hope the dienogest provides you some relief!
Thank you so much, love ❤️ I’ve been on them for a few days and I’ve not been feeling the best on them in all honesty. He said that they cause pregnancy symptoms and I understand completely, I’ve just been really moody and nauseous since I hope the symptoms do go down because I hate feeling this way, as for the pain, it’s still there but I do suppose it has only been a few days and my periods started at the same time so it’s still too early to say. I’ve been given a two month course until my next appointment in May so I’ll see how they affect my menstrual cycle next month. I was on Medroxyprogesterone last year and they were horrid, my gynaecologist then did a laparoscopy and said that he found endometrial tissue in all four quadrants (I don’t know what that means) which explains why they didn’t work for me at all and said that the Dienogest are a much stronger alternative. I have my fingers crossed that they work for me. He said that my ovaries and fallopian tubes are still unaffected which is why the main goal is to find a medication that will stop the endometrial tissue spreading there too.
The Dienogest replicates symptoms and side effects of pregnancy, it’s supposed to stop your periods but you get side effects like nausea at the same time.