I’m wanting to know how people have felt on dienogest and if they had any side affects. I am 7 weeks post laparoscopy where I was diagnosed with endo. I have been put on dienogest which I have been taking for about 6 weeks now. I have noticed a massive increase in migraines which I actually pretty much got under control prior to surgery and could go months without any. Since taking dienogest I’m having 1 weekly, I have also noticed my skin is worse and moods/ sleep have not been great. One thing I will say bleeding appears to have stopped, not sure I’m even going to have a period anytime soon? Just wondered if anyone else has had negative affects from taking this medication, and if anyone knows if this is a long term recommended medication to take. Still awaiting my follow up post surgery to ask questions!
Peoples experiences on Dienogest - Endometriosis UK
Peoples experiences on Dienogest

hi there. I’ve been taking dienogest for 6 weeks too! I also haven’t had a period since taking it however the pain hasn’t seemed to stop. When I saw a specialist a couple of days ago he said if I was experiencing any headaches or breast pain while on the pill then to contact him so I’d maybe suggest contacting your GP? I feel like I’m constantly exhausted which I didn’t really experience before and I have suffered with diarrhoea everyday since I’ve been taking it but I’ve also had a lot of chest pain. I was told I needed to wait 3 months until they changed my pill or tried to find another solution and that surgery wasn’t an option. I’m in France for the moment but I hope you find a solution! All the best <3
Thank you! I hope the diarrhoea settles for you or you find something that works for you! I have a follow up in 2 weeks with the consultant who done my surgery so I will speak to him about it then!
It’s weird but my chest pain started after I had my appendectomy, where endo was found on my appendix.
The chest pain and shoulder tip and neck pain matches the symptoms of thoracic endometriosis . I would definitely mention that to your gynaecologist.
I felt pretty good on it, periods stopped completely and pain was better but had a significant drop in libido and it worsened my heartburn. I think everyone is different, you will only find out by trying it yourself. I found it very helpful for the endo pains but not sustainable in the long term with the side effects.
yes not bleeding has been a bonus I must say and the pain I would get from bleeding has settled a long side it stopping which is a bonus! But I definitely cannot carry on with migraines/ low mood. Hopefully they can offer me something that agrees with me more when I have my follow up. Thanks for your response!
Im not on dinogest but on zoledex and i get headaches every month. Im on jab 6 and had my 1st migraine. Might be worth letting dr or consultant no. Im letting mine know in 2 weeks at my next app
I’ve just come off dienogest after almost 3 months. It eventually stopped the bleeding although I spotted for the majority of the time. But I was getting headaches, very low mood and put on weight just to name a few of the symptoms (ive got a post on my profile with more details)
I came off it at the beginning of this week and already noticed a significant change in my mood, I feel much lighter in general.
If it doesn’t work for you, tell your gynea and try something different! I’ve been recommended the patch, which I don’t know too many people that have used it and there’s not too much on here about it either.
You know yourself and your body and if something isn’t right!
Hello! Obviously just wanted to say that everyone is different etc however I had a bad experience on Dienojest.
I had extreme insomnia and the worst mental health I have ever had. I did 6 months and had to come off it as the side effects were too extreme.
My friend who has Endo has taken it though and it has worked for her.
Hope it works out for you!
Hi. 3 months on dieno. Had some headaches and put on weight early on. Bleeding (more than spotting) most days and still having recognisable periods. Insomnia up. Acne better have 3 months. Very very tired but was that way before starting. Pain reduced dramatically though so staying on for now. Good luck !