so I’m about to have injection number 4 on Thursday. I am so undecided what to do. It has been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions and symptoms/side effects so far. The last one I was undecided about having but the fact it has pretty much got rid of my pelvic pain I thought I would soldier on with everything else. BUT, for the past few days I’ve had the start of that twisting stabbing pains on my right ovary side, feeling more bloated etc. So what’s a girl to do?! I was actually meant to have it today and it got cancelled last minute so is that a sign?! 😅 I just haven’t found it as life changing as others maybe because the menopausal symptoms have basically replaced the pain I was in. Why is it so hard for us? 😢
zoladex injection number 4 : so I’m about... - Endometriosis UK
zoladex injection number 4

I am currently sat in A&E with stabbing pains in my right ovary, slurred speech, random bruising, headache I just feel utterly shit and it's all started after being on Zoladex. I have been sat here 4 hours so far. Really tempted to go home.
I really feel for you. I've been on it the last 7 months and have felt exactly the same. Started off OK but by month 4 was so low I ended up in such a state I went on anti depressants. I had to be able to function for my 7yo. Split from husband (altho we have since reconciled). It was just awful. I was on tibolone add back HRT, then they put my on estrogel and utrogestan but my endo symptoms are creeping back, which I think is bc of the estrogen
And I agree completely - the zola/meno symptoms are worse than the endo symptoms it took away! (And I still had crampy twisty ovary pains throughout too).
I saw a private consultant last week who agreed I should come off it so I'm not having another one next month and going to try progesterone only until I have my hysterectomy.
Honestly I'm just so scared now to have the hysterectomy in case I feel as bad afterwards can't imagine surviving feeling like this for the rest of my life.
Are you awaiting hysterectomy too?
It's just bloody rough isn't it. Sending hugs xxx
Oh I’m sorry you’ve had a rough journey too.
Im not waiting a hysterectomy, it was just a way of giving my body a bit of a rest for a while as they didn’t want to operate again. Unfortunately I sit in a bracket where they don’t think I have sufficient enough endo/adeno to warrant a lap. My progesterone pill wasn’t doing anything so they said to give this a go. But I have not been myself since I started. I was already on anti depressants and that was one of things I was worried about if my mental health would get worse. It’s all just really tiring. And just don’t know what to do!
Lovethemoon - see my reply to Lothead01 below... go for body identical progesterone instead! To counter the estrogen dominance (synthetic progestins are awful). If you look at the Onas uk website (just g0ogle Onas UK as I can't add a link) and read founder kitty martones research on estrogen dominance and progesterone therapy... it will enlighten you on how to help yourself. (I just got 40% off for black friday using code black40 and there's also black30 if the 40 code runs out) I will be topping up the NHS prescription of utrogestan with onas.
All the info on P therapy and research is on there and her Facebook group "Estrogen Dominance Support Group" which is also a mine of information and great support for people like us. I hope it helps you (and anyone else reading this). I feel like if only I'd known this info 9 years ago after I had my first lap I wouldn't be in the state I'm in now xxx
Hi hope you don’t mind me replying…
I’ve only had 1 injection and never again. My mood dropped so low within 2 weeks I’ve never felt depression like it and terrible anxiety I’ve had anxiety on and off before but this anxiety is nothing like I’ve had before.. and insomnia. I knew nothing about this injection only told it softens things up for an ablation..
it was a big shock to find out it had stopped my ovaries temporarily.
Did your consultant say how long it takes to clear from the body?? My dr gave me a leaflet afterwards and it says it stops working between 5-6 weeks but nothing about how long the side effects last although I suppose everyone is different..
can I ask has the hrt or antidepressants helped at all? My dr said she wanted it to stop working before they looked at giving me anything and I do feel better than I did. The headaches have stopped and my mood is better but I’m still anxious and insomnia
It’s made me so sad because I feel like I’m not the best parents to my children or the best wife and I keep scaring myself I won’t feel like me again
Oh bless you I completely empathise. My consultant said the same..5-6 weeks (from last injection). She wouldn't comment on how long side effects wd last, only that I might not get my cycle back at all as I'm at menopause age anyway (I'm 51). The anti depressants have definitely helped (I was really deep in it tho, borderline suicidal) so it was my last resort. The side effects of those were not pleasant at first but I'm a lot better now. Functioning again at least...
The hrt definitely helped manage the meno symptoms from Zola, altho I think the estrogen is antagonising the endometriosis so I'm reducing that and will go on progesterone only (utrogestan).
I had to pay for a private meno/endo consultant to get that prescribed though (NHS wouldnt) but it was worth the £200 just to get that pushed through back at my GPS.
Don't let them fob you off with synthetic progestins!! They are vile! Insist on body identical. Good luck! There is light at the end of the tunnel xxx