Hi ... I'm just posting to see if anyone out there is on zoladex and livial combination and if they are suffering with the same side affects as me?
I'd been suffering pain on my left hand side for about 18 months which was getting progressively worse and worse, along with heavy periods, large clots and all the normal symptoms ... so I finally went to the docs. The pains feel like someone is taking hold of my insides (where my ovary would be) and twisting it round and round. Initially they tried a mirena coil which I had to have removed the following day as I was in agony! I then had an ultrasound which showed no irregularities. The consultant at the hospital then had me monitoring my pains, mood swings etc to see if they could pinpoint anything and it was obvious it was all tied in to my monthly cycle. The next step was a laproscopy to see if they could find any signs of endometriosis. Apparently there were only a few tiny spots there. So to rule out anything to do with my bowels I have been put on zoladex and livial to see if this alleviates the pain. If so the next stage is a hysterectomy.
Since starting the meds (I'm on injection number 4) I feel like I'm losing the plot! I'm tense and feel like I have nervous energy all the time, I can't stop crying, my mood swings are incredible. My bones hurt, the hot flushes and weight gain are horrendous and I'm knackered! BUT on the plus side I haven't had to take any painkillers as the pain has pretty much gone and my periods speed instantly.
Is it just the combination of the two, and if so is it worth me stopping the livial? I saw my gp last week who doesn't want to change anything until I see the consultant again but I feel like I'm going mad. She did suggest I tried black cohosh alongside the hrt but when I asked in the shop they said they wouldn't recommend it. I've still got another 2 months before I'm back at the hospital and don't know what to do..... had anyone got any ideas, please?