Last weekend I finally had my laparoscopy on the NHS and received my diagnosis and treatment, I couldn’t have been happier. Please read my story here and get in touch if you want any advice:
But now I have been left feeling lost, my consultant recommended starting on the pill or having the hormonal coil. For two reasons I believe - symptom management and to slow the progression of new tissue. 1 week in to taking the lucette pill I have the worst cramping (I’m only on day 8 of my cycle) all across my pelvis and radiating down my legs. It is identical to the endometrial pain I feel when on my period. I feel heavy, depressed and deflated
I also cannot find any clinical evidence to show that the combined pill is effective in halting the progression / growth of endometrial tissue. Does anyone know if this is true or if the clinical evidence exists?
If not, I’m finding it really difficult to understand why I should persevere with these symptoms because I’ve traded in 1 week of bad period for a constant pain and symptoms I just want to stop taking it but I want to do the right thing.