have woken up in such pain today, and been in bed most Of the day. I’ve taken 2 lots of codeine, paracetamol and hot water bottle. I’ve never felt bed bound with this I can usually at least watch tv. I’m on day 4 since having my first Zoladex injection. I’m so fed up of this. Sorry a pointless message but just wanted to vent to people who understand x
Had enough, constant pain: have woken up in... - Endometriosis UK
Had enough, constant pain

So sorry you feel like this, I wrote a similar post yesterday as I was struggling so much with the pain and needed to let it out. It’s not a pointless message and I’m sorry I can’t offer advice as I’m struggling too but I completely empathise and wish you all the best!!
Hi, hope you're better today! I had an awful periods a week after the first injection, the worst ones in my life, but after that everything goes well. I'm really sorry that you are in such pain, writing just to say that this pain will not last. Take care!
Hope you feel better soon!
I just finished three days in bed 😩 horrible disease! I’m sorry you’re in constant pain 🥺 praying it passes soon xx
I’m in the same boat. This morning I was screaming from the pain. It felt like my right ovary was being cut open and I couldn’t move. My sister had to help me change position on my bed. I’ve become tolerant to codeine and tramadol. I’ve got gyane appointment I’m hoping I get new painkillers because I haven’t been able to do anything today