Hi all,
For a bit of background, I had my first laparoscopy at the start of March this year with multiple areas being affected. It ended up taking me about 4 months to fully recover after a pretty lengthy and difficult time.
A few months before my surgery I started getting worsening pain around my kidneys, lower back, hip and shooting up my sides. I've never been under the impression that this is anything other than endo as it follows the same cyclic pain pattern that I'm used to and it's not a regular back pain, I can poke and move my back however and it doesn't twinge. It feels deep underneath and inside my pelvis where I guess the kidneys are. Alongside the pain is the absolutely horrid fatigue that I'm experiencing, which is causing no end of problems with work and my general daily functioning.
This area wasn't checked in my initial ultrasounds and MRI as they were done over 2 years before I got to surgery and with how much the NHS is currently struggling, I have mostly had short over the phone consultations and I suppose I thought this would all be solved by having the lap.
With my recent post op appointments I've been sent for an ultrasound to check my kidneys, but of course that has come back with an all clear - which I suspected following after clear ultrasounds previously.
My frustration now is that my care team at the hospital have deemed this as a non-endo problem and won't be continuing to investigate as there's nothing to be seen on the scan. I've been recommended to either try yet another contraceptive pill in the hopes that it'll be the miracle one to fix what it hasn't been able to before (I currently have the Mirena coil fitted at the recommendation of the consultant who fitted it while I was in surgery), get a referral to a pain management clinic, or to a pelvic clinic with the suggestion of pelvic floor exercises amongst whatever else (why that specifically is a suggestion I have no idea).
I guess I'm looking for anyone who has had returning/worsening symptoms after a lap and whether they were taken seriously or not, and if not have you had any success trying to get a second opinion, or found anything medication wise that has helped with either the pain or fatigue? I think if I had to choose I'd rather deal with the pain and try to fix the fatigue, but I guess when your body is constantly inflamed it's forever trying to heal itself so that fatigue will persist as long as it's there.
Sorry for the long post, I'm fresh from my hospital appointment and switching between anger, frustration and being generally upset that this is all it's come down to again after fighting to be seen in the first place.