Hi all I hope ur all as well as can be expected. I’ve been told I have an 9cm …Endometrioma, which is causing issues. I’ve been referred to the gyne specialist what do u think they will they do for this? Does it mean I definitely have endometriosis thank u in advance. I’ve also had to have my second lot of bloods taken today as my last ones came back that I’m anaemic and he said he needs to find out why, what does that even mean? I don’t have periods anymore as I’ve had a hysterectomy but I kept both my ovaries and still cycle I get breast pain and cramps every month x
Endometrioma: Hi all I hope ur all as well... - Endometriosis UK

Hi. Depending on you age, you may be given an option of cystectomy or unilateral oophorectomy. If you are close to menopausal age, then you can choose to have bilateral oophorectomy but you may need HRT until 50-51. Evening oil of primrose is good for breast pain. All the best to you.
Hello Channy,
I found out I had an 8cm Emdometrioma a number of years ago. These cysts usually point to a later stage of Endometriosis. They either drain the cyst or remove the entirety of the inside (Ovairian Cystectomy). If you have an endometrioma you could also have adhesions/lesions and other issues with organs from the Endometriosis.
I had my endometrioma stripped (Ovarian Cystectomy). It doesn’t effect hormone levels. If you were at a child bearing age the decision would be weighted on egg preservation since stripping the ovary looses half your egg reserve.
I did not have any symptoms for many years. After my recent laparoscopy to remove the cyst it turned out I had stage 5 endometriosis with severe Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis.
An exploratory laparoscopy is the only way to understand the severity of the disease. An MRI scan could help determine if you have DIE or a Transvaginal scan, but they are operator dependent. Its better to pay privately to see an Endometriosis specific sonographer who can determine if you have DIE.
Best wishes
hi, I had an endometrioma on ultrasound scan and had a laparoscopic drain of it, my consultant said pre op that it was likely to be endometriosis because of the endometrioma and I had stage 3-4. Being anaemic means you have low haemoglobin (cells that carry oxygen around your body and affect energy levels) so they will just want to explore the reasons why. I am slightly anaemic at times and just get given iron supplements when I am. Take care 😊
hi, i personally don't have endometriosis but one of my mates does so im gonna try and answer your questions as best as i can. you said that you have a 9 cm endometrioma which is quite massive compared to a lot of other ones, so your probabley going to have to get it removed to rule out any malignancies (gyne will probabely check that out). it does mean you have endometriosis. being anaemic/having anaemia means you have a chronic condition where your body doesn't produce eneough red blood cells or haemoglobin leading to reduced oxeygen in certain areas (you said that you had a hysterectomy and some conditions that ead to a hysterectomy can cause blood loss and possibly anaemia so depending on why you needed the surgery they could be connected). if youre getting cramps but no period, that could be a range of different things, but im putting my money on the endometrioma as the reason, but as for the breast pain, im not so sure. just to clarify i can not a doctor or anything, this is just based on research and general knowledge. hope you get everything sorted out and feel better xx
Hi and sorry about all these issues you're having. I've had a hysterectomy and also both ovaries removed as well as several lengthy operations where I've had excision of severe endometriosis. Despite all this, I still can chart a cycle and often have really horrendous pelvic pain when I would be having a period. It is a complete myth that hysterectomy or menopause cure endometriosis. My hysterectomy was 20 years ago.
I hope you get some help from a specialist in endometriosis because it really sounds like you've got endometriosis. I continue to live with the disease the best I can but it has been life changing for me.
I also continued to suffer with cyclical breast pain and nothing helped. Recently it's been a bit better but never gone altogether.
Nothing you've said is unusual for this disease sadly. I do hope that you get the help you need. Good luck with it all. xx
Endometrioma are usually a sign of deep endometriosis. Mine was 5cm last time I had a scan.Agree to have a proper scan privately to assess it properly.
With a scanner working with a top endometriosis expert i.e. someone who is doing excision and haa published papers on the topic. Mine was in portland street in London
Thank u. Where would I even begin to find someone like that? x