Radical Hysterectomy - I have known for 12 years about endometriosis and have had several surgeries and failed IVF and thought I had coped OK. Now been told I need a radical hysterectomy to prevent future bowel and cancer risk and am feeling a bit low. Any help/advice thankfully received
Radical Hysterectomy: Radical Hysterectomy... - Endometriosis UK
Radical Hysterectomy

Hi really sorry to hear this...i am also faced with hysterectomy....i have not heard of endo turning into cancer...my ca125 is 600...instead of 30 ...lol..has been this way for 20 years....am still healthy other than endo pains for 1 week of the month.
I am just reading Alisa Vitti book called Woman code...i suggest you read it before you decide on surgery...it makes sense to me and im going to try it for sure.
all the best
Hi there, I am just going through the motions of getting my date for full hysterectomy and bowel surgery at same time. Had endo for 25 years, with like you lots of lap's, previous bowel surgery and ivf. I have known for a while that radical hysterectomy is to be expected, although may experience some pain afterwards from the scaring already on bowel and bladder. When I heard the words a few weeks ago what I need to have done and the severity of it, I laughed. i was over joyed with relief that most of the pain (fingers crossed) will go. Then that night it hit me, and felt quite down and tearful and scared for a few days. Saw the bowel surgeon this eek (different one from before) and he assured me that endo on the bowel causes no risk at all to getting cancer, no more than if I was unlucky to get it in the first place so like the other lady commented, hope that reassures you.
I am thinking of it as factual. I will go into menopause immediately, but after I've conquered that, I am sure/hoping I will feel like a new women. No pain (or much reduced), more energy, new zest for life and getting ME back. i cannot wait for that. I know the risk of a c-bag, and even that doesn't scare me. It needs to go so I can begin to look forward rather than letting endo drag me down.
I shall be looking up that book as still have my days of mixed emotions about the surgery happening in Jan so any help is needed!
I do hope you find peace and are able to make the best decision for you .
I am having same op next month and I am a little stressed out about it I only just got diagnosed last month only had 6 months of pain but endo is severe I am worried about instant menopause more than op please let me k ow how u get on good luck xx
Hi there Bevsymon, well op was now 10 days ago and although still sore am moving around fine but getting plenty of rest.
After 6 days I started to get headaches (suffer anyway) and a lot of hot flushes !!! Havd my follow up next Thurs when my gyne will prescribe the HRT that worked for me before ( previous bowel surgery and needed injections beforehand). Thd gel on thd thigh. Can't wait to get started on this!!!!
No wonder you feel abit nervous having only dealt with it in last 6 months, I would too. Wishing you lots of luck this month for yours xxx
Hi all
Just to let you know I had my hysterectomy on 15th January via abdominal cut. They did a complete pelvic clearance - uterus, ovaries and tubes and cervix plus all the endo. Thankfully it was not as complex as we had planned for - the uterus "peeled" away from the bowel easily so no need for bowel resection. Also didn't bleed much in surgery so no need for blood transfusion. The pathology confirmed severe endo plus adenomyosis which explains why IVF didn't work.
I am doing really well, managing a nice walk everyday and thankfully have lots of support at home so managing to relax plenty. As soon as I knew it had gone well I could focus on recovery and I feel so positive now. I have been put on HRT (estrogen only) until I see consultant to avoid the body shock of going into menopause. So far so good.
Keep smiling everyone.
My op is done not feeling too bad endo pain gone 5 days post op now no menopause just yet just relieved it's over and glad post op pain is nothing compared to endo pain - take care x