Hi Everyone, I’m on a waiting list for my 1st laproscopy following multiple scans showing tethering of my uterus and ovary and suspected adhesions. After a slightly frustrating appointment with my gynae consultant I am quite apprehensive about undergoing a laparoscopy by someone who isn’t an endo specialist as I’ve heard endo often isn’t found by those who are specialists. I was wondering what your experiences were like and whether I should push to be seen by a specialist?
Worried about Laproscopy : Hi Everyone, I... - Endometriosis UK
Worried about Laproscopy

Hi, I’m the exact same as you these are my worries. It’s my 1st one next week and I know the surgeon ain’t a endo specialist I’m so scared that he’s gonna do the surgery and tell me I haven’t got nothing. The pain and inflammation I get every month is stopping me from doing things I just want to feel validated 😫
hi, l hope you don’t mind me jumping in.
I have had 2 lap surgeries in the last 6 months the first was a partial hysterectomy where they found tumour cells in my womb lab results, this was followed up 6 weeks later with the completion of the hysterectomy and pelvic wash. The tumour was embedded in the endo at the back of my womb so really pleased they followed up so soon.
I am 77 years of age and found following my attendant nurses hints and advice has seen me feeling so pleased l consented.
If your procedure is a partial or full hysterectomy please give yourself time to heal internally. They will tell you not to drive for 6 weeks, but also if you are to be a car passenger you will need a large cushion to place between your tummy and both straps of your seat belt to cushion any sudden breaking.
If you would like to chat again l,am more than happy to help
Alexa 🌸🌸🌸
there are specialist centres for deep infiltrating endometriosis in the uk and these will deal with it every day. You could find out which hospital is local to you and ask to be transferred to their list? Worth an ask
If they have a specialist interest in Endo, that’s okay. But general gynaecologists shouldn’t be doing laps looking for Endometriosis. I’m sure it’s in the NICE guidelines as well. If they’re a general gynae, it’s better to wait longer to be seen by someone who can recognise Endo properly and will have a proper look around inside.
My gyne found severe endo on my mri report went to endo specialist and the consultant said its not that bad and they got it wrong. My case then got taken to a mdt meeting at the specialist and they said I have uteral sacral disease tethered laterally with womb involvement and invasive rectal disease. I'm on the waiting list for a lap now wonder what will be found there the mri was done January 2022 it's now May 2023 and wonder how it's progressed lol
Hi, l don’t know where you are located but l have had 2 lap surgeries recently for endo and suspected cancer which proved to be positive,
My age is 77, not that this is important, but as l say the first was to remove an ovarian cyst both ovaries and both fallopian tubes, when the first samples went to lab they found cancer cells and a few weeks later an MRI confirmed a tumour embedded in my womb. 6 weeks later I have since had the 2nd lap to complete the hysterectomy and am now waiting to go in for brachytherapy treatment to hopefully eradicate any further cancer cells which could be an off shoot from the first one.
My advice do go ahead if your consultant deems it necessary, after both ops l was out of bed 8 hours later and able to walk to the loo unaided, yes it takes time to heal internally but l am so happy l had this done. Be patient with yourself and be prepared to not have your full energy levels back for 4 to 6 weeks. I sincerely hope this has given you the faith in yourself to proceed.
Alexa 🌸🌸🌸