Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to approach having an employer who is not supportive of endometriosis / treatment, and consistently asking for a lot of detailed medical information?
I’m 29, diagnosed with endo at 25. I had a surgery almost immediately after being diagnosed (before working for my current employer) and then last year my endo became unmanageable again. I have just finished 6 months of a medically induced menopause (GNRH injections - which were awful in terms of side effects) and had another operation 2 weeks ago. I work in investment banking, very high pressure job and really long hours.
I’ve managed to maintain those hours with only a few weeks of medical leave overall (much less than I actually probably needed) and have had no drop in performance whatsoever - in fact I was recently promoted. However, I have been working more from home than the average employee (which is completely fine because we only need our laptop).
Yet my employer is being really difficult about working from home, and putting a lot of pressure on me to come into the office more. Moreover, the most concerning part is the level of medical information they keep asking for and how many “meetings” they keep setting up to discuss my medical condition.
In the beginning I was happy to explain that I have endometriosis and what the treatment is that I’m undergoing, but now it’s become ridiculously invasive with no regard for my privacy - sensitive emails are being passed on without my permission, and they keep asking more questions, down to very specific details. E.g. what is the doctor doing in the operation, why do you need it, why are you having the coil fitted, what other medication are you taking and what are the side effects you’re experiencing, why are you in a medically induced menopause, how does this help with the endometriosis, can you explain what endometriosis is and how it impacts your life, is it a lot of bleeding, how bad are the cramps, does it impact your fertility, etc. I’ve answered every question despite feeling very uncomfortable and the response is always “thank you but we need more information”.
I’m quite sure this is illegal and I’ve been manipulated into responding to these questions out of worrying that my job security is under threat, but I spoke to my doctor today for our post-op and he was absolutely outraged - he said they didn’t need to know anything beyond that I have a “condition” that can impact my ability to work and where I can work from.
I’ve felt so disrespected and frankly embarrassed having to answer such personal questions, and they don’t seem to show any sympathy towards the fact that a) endometriosis itself is debilitating and b) menopause treatment and surgery are even more debilitating and c) this is all linked to women’s health / reproductive health which is not an easy thing to talk about at all. It’s a sensitive and deeply personal topic.
My doctor has said I need 6 months now to see how my endo responds to this last step of the treatment and I’ve said to my employer that I therefore may need to work from home more than normal for the next 6 months (everyone works 4 days from the office, I’ve asked for 2-3 days in office) - their response was to say that they’ll give me 3 months and then expect me to be in line with every other employee. This obviously isn’t in line with what I requested.
I also think having endo alone, whether I have just undergone treatment / surgery or not, is enough to require some more flexibility on work from home vs not - so in actuality I would be looking for more flexible working even beyond 6 months.
I am considering seeking legal advice as I feel like they have really crossed a line in terms of the amount of information they’ve asked that I share, as well as their inability to be more flexible - luckily, most of the correspondence is via email. If anyone is a lawyer or has any experience in this area, I’d really appreciate some guidance. And if anyone has any tips on how to manage employers, I would really appreciate this too.
I have been made to feel ashamed for requiring more flexible ways of working but I didn’t ask for endo and I’ve done all that I can to ensure that my work isn’t impacted. I pride myself on my work and yet I now no longer enjoy it and I’m quite anxious about it all the time. I’m not in a place where I can switch jobs right now and feeling really deflated about how I’ve been treated. I really don’t want to share any more medical information and it’s psychologically taken a toll to be going through all the pains of endometriosis, GNRH injections and surgery whilst also having to justify myself every step of the way.
Thank you in advance for any help / advice