Hi - 36 yo, had classic endo symptoms for the last 4-5 years - started seeking medical advice 3 years ago privately - still on the never ending road to find answers.... The worst of my symptoms is the pain during and after intercourse, it is ruining my relationship. The majority of this pain seems to be coming from a nodule in my vagina, but recently - this has also been a deep pain... it is not tolerable and often leaves me in tears during the act. Husband is patient and understanding, but it makes me feel awful and I find it embarrassing. Anyway - had Mirena coil fitted, it has helped with the pelvic pain and the ridiculous heavy periods, still have pain around ovulating and what would be period week, but it is manageable. It hasn't helped with the digestive issues or the pain during sex. Back to Gynae - referred for an MRI - she said there is evidence of endo, so it is that - she asked me what I want to achieve from the treatment, the most important thing for me is to enjoy sex again with out crying everytime! Anyway she has given me some options, Zoladex treatment and if that works referral for a hysterectomy, or a laparoscopy with her - she said she can carry out the basic burning away of lesions - but anything that requires excising or anything further, she would have to close me back up and refer me on. Alternatively she said she would be happy to refer me to the endo specialist to carry out the laparoscopy if he works for my insurer. I am very apprehensive about a laparoscopy - I have never been put under anesthetic and I feel very anxious about this and the scarring. I guess I am just interested to hear if anybody has had similar symptoms to myself and if they found any improvement with any of the treatment options, or indeed any others I may not have mentioned.
Confused and seeking advice: Hi - 36 yo... - Endometriosis UK
Confused and seeking advice

Hi there, so sorry to hear you are going through this.
My advice is go straight to the Endo Specialist, do not have anything burned off (ablated) this causes more pain as not all the endometriosis is removed. The Endo found will need to be removed through excision.
I am seeing a specialist next week as I was not happy with the general gynaecologist and their knowledge. I highly recommend a book called Heal Endo - very thorough and looks at diet, exercise, hormones and surgery. Important to arm yourself with knowledge.
I also paid privately to get an MRI, this may help more the process along.
I am also very nervous about laparoscopic procedure, which is why I am making sure I am happy with the surgeon who is doing it and that they are crystal clear and in agreement on what will happen during it.
I hope that’s helpful, feel free to ask me anymore questions