Hey 💕I had my lap on Tuesday had to stay in as I took unwell but home now the endo was wrapped around my ovaries but I’m in a lot of pain today and the trapped gas pain is unreal only day 3 tho should this easy soon be grateful for any advice xxx
lap done and removed endo from ovaries - Endometriosis UK
lap done and removed endo from ovaries

Hi Shay30
Yep it's totally normal, it's trapped wind from the gas they use to pump up your tummy. You can relieve it by drinking peppermint tea, eating mints and chewing gum and walking around gently round the house. It will die down after a few days
thank you I’m so sore glad it’s over but didn’t think I would be this sore lol naive I know 🤣
Not naieve at all! Most people don't expect it to be a big deal either, but the reality is that it may well be small incisions but inside there is a lot of healing to be done. I had surgical tape keeping things separated whilst they healed and my mums partner decided to go full speed over every single speed bump he could 😵 it was murder lol. He was like "oh are you in pain" 🙄 this was 3 days post surgery. And people rarely warn about the trapped wind pain, I only knew in advance because I had a cesarean with my youngest and the same thing happened lol. Xxx
I’m nearly 2 weeks post lap. First 3 days were the hardest. The trapped air pain was the worst I think. Gently moving about from time to time helped. Then I had pain and tiredness for the rest of that week. This week I’m feeling much more myself but have still needed to take it easy.
We are all different in our healing and how long it takes - I hope that you feel better soon.
thank you I’m hopefull next week I will be feeling much better lol I didn’t realise going to the toilet would be so painful 😣 tmi lol 😂