Hi lovely people! Not really a question, but let me know if your experience was similar to mine…
Had my first monthly Prostap injection at my GP surgery two weeks ago. Got told I could choose between arm, thigh & buttock for an injection site, so opted for arm. Painless injection and didn’t give me a sore arm, so got off to a good start 😀
A couple of days later, I started to feel my usual pains getting worse (particularly hips & knees, but also other joints). By the 1 week point, my limbs felt heavy, sore and bruised, which I think is the “bone pain” described in the list of possible side effects. Also experiencing some trouble sleeping, with the occasional hot flush and racing heart. Have broken out in hormonal chin spots, which I thought I’d seen the last of years ago… oh joy! My glands seem to have swollen again- the ones under my arms are particularly uncomfortable.
The latest development was yesterday, starting with terrible bloat, then tummy cramps as if I was going to have diarrhoea, then awful lower back pain, plus familiar period pains. Have started bleeding, not dissimilar to my normal light period, though I wasn’t actually due my period for another week under normal circumstances. I’m exhausted and have a pounding headache that’s making me feel a bit nauseous. Feels like it might turn into a migraine, as my eye is twitching and my eyes are getting really tired while typing.
If anyone else has felt this rotten on Prostap, but stuck with it and then felt better, it would be very reassuring to know! Love to all 😘