Any advice on post-op pain management? - Endometriosis UK

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Any advice on post-op pain management?

Ruby_groucott profile image
7 Replies

hello! I’ve just joined this community after having my first laparoscopy yesterday. I have been diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis and I’ve had cyst removals. Any advice on how to manage the pain and discomfort of the post-op would be greatly appreciated! My tummy is very sore and I’m nervous to keep taking lots of morphine. I hope everyone is well and I look forward to hopefully making some great connections!

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Ruby_groucott profile image
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7 Replies
Sabrinacolada profile image

Hi lovely,

I had my laporoscopy about 6 weeks ago.I remember the first few days having pain, bloating and shoulder pain ( from the air they use to inflate).

The first couple of days I did have opiates ( Dihydrocodeine) but I really hate them due to constipation. I was combining it with ibuprofen ( anti inflammatory action not just pain releif so pretty standard post op) and paraceteomol if needed. If you're taking morphine make sure you preemptive start laxatives usually they should give lactulose or laxido as constipation will make the post op pain horrendous ( I had it 4 day's after surgery)

In your case morphine is one of the more stronger opiates but is relatively short acting. In the hospital setting they often use it combined with paracetemol ( they can act synergistically and possibly spare the amount of morphine needed). In my case I'd often time or stagger medication to help sleep ( e.g. last nsaid at dinner then paracetemol/ dihydrocodiene before an early night to try and get peak pain releif for sleep).

By about day 3 or 4 I had stopped the opiates and managed with ibuprofen and paracetemol. But listen to your body and take pain relief accordingly, don't suffer.

Make sure you try and do some tiny walks ( first day was just walking around the room, building it up very slightly) to prevent blood clots and help to increase gut motility. But certainly the first few days was quite minimal .

I found sleeping the first couple of nights hard but found it better to sleep on my back with a pillow under my knees (something a nurse suggested at the hospital). By about the 3rd day I don't remember it being an issue.

Do you have a post op check up due?

Hope you have a speedy recovery, it generally will feel alot better soon. Once the air they've used to inflate dissipates you will hopefully feel more comfortable.

❤ sabrina xx

Ruby_groucott profile image
Ruby_groucott in reply to Sabrinacolada

Hi Sabrina,

Thank you so much for the advice! I will definitely take this into consideration. Yes, this gave me some laxatives so I will be sure to take some to avoid constipation - it sounds awful!

I will have a check in 2 weeks time and will schedule the appointment today. It’s still feels a bit surreal to be honest! How are you finding everything now? Xx

Sabrinacolada profile image
Sabrinacolada in reply to Ruby_groucott

That's brilliant glad you have a post op check scheduled.

Generally the pain is much better now I did have endo pain even upto week 5 post op but find now it's manageable. I had stage 3-4 so adhesions from sigmoid colon to ovary removed, nodule from Broad ligament removed and scarring around repro tract. I also had hysteroscopy.

I was quite rough for a couple of weeks/ really tired but by about day 10 I had signs of a uti ( I've had a few so have dipsticks at home anyway)I struggled to have any post op with the private consultant so via my gp started antibiotics and got better.

I found by about the 3rd week or so I felt less exhausted and could do more ( I was given a medical note for 2 weeks initially but needed more time to heal but everyone's different).

I had alot of vaginal bleeding but suspect that's from the hysteroscopy not the lap. The first period after was absolutely horrendous but now its finished last week I feel like a new woman. I've been told the first few periods after lap can be very painful.

I've got a few odd possible nerve damage signs ( loss of normal sensation to urinate or defecate, on period lost a bit of sensation in my right leg) combined with struggling to defecate I am waiting on mri results to see if deep endometresiosis.

The endo pain I thought would never go away but the progesterone only pill feels like its finally started to work ( the first 5 weeks I was still bleeding daily). Are you on any hormonal/ contraception ? They will likely discuss at post op if not. It will hopefully help with pain too.

❤ Sabrina x

Ruby_groucott profile image
Ruby_groucott in reply to Sabrinacolada

Wow, I am so sorry you’ve had to go through this? Honestly, it sounds like you’re doing an amazing job! Luckily mine was primarily diagnostic, but they did find quite a bit on my left ovary and pelvic area, and removed as much as they could at the time. I have been fortunate enough to keep my ovary in tact - I really hope you’re okay!

I’m sure this is something I will hear all about during my consultation. I’m not currently on any forms of contraception. I was advised to avoid the pill when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, but I am certainly happy to look into options! Thank you so much for your advice!

I must admit, my belly button is pretty tender today! Not looking forward to removing that plaster anytime soon! Xx

Sabrinacolada profile image
Sabrinacolada in reply to Ruby_groucott

Now you've said it I remember having my belly button seemingly glued shut where it had swollen so much! Was fine it begun to go down over weeks and the tissue adhesive fell off by about 2 weeks.

Sorry think I phrased that badly! I meant adhesion between ovary amd colon removed. Not the whole ovary. Mine was also a diagnostic lap but removed the larger adhesions to free the organs/ reduce some of the pain.

Yes definitely something to discuss with a doctor re increased risk of breast cancer versus endo management of contraception.

All the best hun x

CryBaby91 profile image

Hi Ruby,

Welcome to the madhouse :) I'm also moderate stage 3 endo, though no cysts I had a thick band of adhesions that were fusing my bowel to my wall 😳 I had my lap 8th of August, so less than a month.

As Sabrinacolada mentioned the pain in your shoulder will be gas pain, it is pretty horrific and we're not saying that it is JUST that because honestly I know how bad it is lol. I used mints, chewing gum between and peppermint tea to help relieve the pain. It REALLY helps!

Moving around helps too, but I just focused on moving around my living room for the first week. It took me about 2 weeks to heal properly and be able to move without a pulling sensation in my belly, but everyone is different. I had surgical gauze on my bowel which I could feel pulling when I did too much. Or I imagine it was that lol it was in that area haha.

Just be super kind to yourself! Heat on my back was really helpful, especially when the bleed started. Gentle movement, regular painkillers and lots of rest. Your body is also healing inside, so please be careful this first 2 weeks. Xxx

Ruby_groucott profile image

Hello! Thank you so much for the message! Wow, how are you feeling? It sounds like you’ve been through a lot!

Yes, I’ve been downing peppermint tea like there is no tomorrow - ha ha!

It really was a shock to find out, but I am so grateful to be in this position and to finally be able to identify the underlying cause to my symptoms! I’ve always suffered with painful periods and started getting pain during intercourse too. My bladder has been causing me issues for years and according to my consultant, she thinks it is down to the endometriosis!

I will certainly try and take it easy for the first few weeks. Thank you very much for your kindness and advice! I hope you feel better soon xxx

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