Worst experience at the hospital with my ... - Endometriosis UK

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Worst experience at the hospital with my endometriosis

Daisy2212 profile image
12 Replies

So I went into hospital yesterday with severe pain that my 5mg of morphine couldn’t help I’m 17 btw and I have suspected endometriosis which is what was causing me the pain in this story. I went in did a urine sample had an infection was very dehydrated, got bloods taken and then was in there for around 4-5 hours throwing up crying etc they give me another 5mg of morphine paracetamol, and ibrophropen. I was then transferred to the gynea ward and was still crying and In pain my mum was there with me since I was aloud her to stay since I’m still a child. Anyways after talking to lovely nurses who said they were gonna keep me on a morphine drip and try control my pain and if it doesn’t work think of a larascopy. This doctor who was a man which I’m fine with came into the room basically in short terms said take the pill only option, didn’t ask how I was didn’t treat my infection didn’t ask what I wanted how my pain was and it was mainly mu mum talking for me due to being in severe pain, I was discharged and I was meant to have my infection treated and stay in till my pain was managed, the only thing he said was take 4 ibrophroben and 5mg of morphine which I had had around 1-2 hours prior of being on that ward still in extremely bad pain, he discharged me I was on the 6th floor didn’t bring a wheelchair for my mum to take me out in, I was crying in agony trying to get up out of bed and sit in a wheel chair which makes my pain much worse, as we were leaving one of the nurses said she feels really sorry she can’t do anymore for me, Also I didn’t get my bloods back either. I’m still in a lot of pain atm and I just feel so annoyed that he would just discharge me without considering how I was, I’m staff at the hospital I am an apprentice as well and I was so upset and still am, it made me feel like I have a simple headache and I’m being dramatic. And some may mention why don’t I take the pill, this is my reasoning I have taken many and they have all made me feel absolutely awful and I am recovering from depression and they make me feel so depressed or sick, not like myself and I also have another mental disorders which it massively impacts and I am genuinely petrified to try anymore contraceptive pills, this was explained to the doctor too but he didn’t stop pushing on about it after being told I do not want to and am not comfortable to try again. I am proud of how kind and caring the nurses were to me but that doctor honestly makes everything seem like I’m being pathetic, I felt and feel so pushed aside and non important and it has really upset me. Sorry for the long rant but I really needed it out

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Daisy2212 profile image
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12 Replies
Angellouise profile image

My 19 year old daughter is going through the same thing they think she has endometriosis but it has not been found. Male doctors seem to be the worse thinking it’s just a woman problem and you should deal with it , although we have had some bad woman doctors too. Keep searching and try to find a good Gynocologist to help you. Please don’t give up. I read Nancy’s nook not sure if you have found it on face book. My daughter has had depot and Lupron shots with a little pain relief from it. Birth control pills make her sick. She also had an IUD which helped the bleeding but not the pain unfortunately.

I wish you luck.

Daisy2212 profile image
Daisy2212 in reply to Angellouise

Thank you for your reply, I hope your daughter is doing okay and gets better. I am fine with being treated by male doctors however every experience I’ve had with them always feels like they don’t understand and it is as you said a woman’s problem I should just deal with, I will definitely check out Nancy’s nook thank you! Thank you for your kind words ❤️

Angellouise profile image
Angellouise in reply to Daisy2212

Your welcome. Keep searching as I am and don’t give up.

Shelly085 profile image

Hi Daisy2212 I was diagnosed with endo when I was 14, I was the same vomiting an felt like I had to stay in one place as every time I moved the pain would go worst. I was put on the pill which gave me migraines. I was lucky enough to get a lap early on as I had a great g.p who followed me the hospital an pushed for every test for me as he said it wasn’t right to be in that much pain. Also my gyno doc was amazing. I’m now 36 an still suffer I’ve tried every pill which all give me migraines, had injections an mirena nothing works for me I’m waiting for my 5th lap, looking like it’s gonna be next year tho. I currently take morphine my gp has just upped the dose as it doesn’t touch the pain. You could ask to try voltorol (diclofenac) suppositories there the only thing that has helped my pains in the past. Also try taking buscopan as it stops your muscles from tensing up. You can demand they do a laparoscopy as it’s classed as elective surgery an I have done in the past when I know my endo is bad. You want to see an actual doc that specialises in endometriosis not just a gynocologist. Hope everything gets sorted for you. X

Daisy2212 profile image
Daisy2212 in reply to Shelly085

Thank you! I have also had terrible experiences with the pill, I am on diclofenac it does help but I am still in pretty much agony and for the last 3 years just feel like I’ve been pushed around and treated as if I just have a small headache, however I have an appointment in December about a larascopy to diagnose it. I am really thinking about seeing a specialist because it’s ruining my teenage life, seeing all my mates going out while I’m stuck in bed, and having to balance out trying to go to work.I haven’t tried buscopan but I will definitely check it out thank you for recommending it! I will try the demanding of the larascopy as every month my pain just seems to be getting worse and worse. Thank you for your support and kind words it means a lot and I hope you are doing well!

AllthatGlitters profile image

Morning and sorry to read your story it sounds awful how he treated you.The best thing I ever done was to pay for a private consultation which cost me £200 with a BSGE consultant at a BMI hospital. I went down this route as I was told I would be waiting 12 months just to all speak to a consultant at the NHS hospital then more months for a laparoscopy. You can pay for a consultation and ask to be put onto the NHS waiting list for any scans or operations you may need 🥰the private doctor I saw also worked for the NHS and unfortunately money seems to talk as they say as I was seen within 2 weeks. Couldn’t live any longer the way I was, horrendous pain and bleeding every day and felt like life was over for me. It’s great you have your mum for support, let the way you have been treated spur you on to finally speak to someone who is at the top (BSGE consultant) 💗seen nothing male and female and all have been good. Let us know how you get on.

How do you feel today. Any better? Xx

Daisy2212 profile image
Daisy2212 in reply to AllthatGlitters

I was considering taking that route, I’ve been getting seen for my suspected endo since I was 14 so for 3 years which included a lot of hospital trips. I have mentioned the private route to my mum but I have an appointment in December about getting a larascopy so I think my mum wants to stick down that route which I can understand, however if it ends up being another year I will certainly go private. Thank you for being so kind and understanding and I’m sorry you had to go through that and I hope your doing well. Today I’m off work again got awful hip pain which basically leaves me unable to move and I can’t go to the toilet on my own so my mum has to stay off work to help me, she is a great mum and I couldn’t ask for more but I always feel guilty as if I’m holding her back, anyways I am feeling slightly better than I was yesterday thank you for asking and thank you for your help ❤️

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Daisy2212

That’s great you have an appointment in December 😀you know where I am if you need a private chat x

635703 profile image

I am so sorry you’ve experienced such distressing treatment.

It was during University that similar happened to me. Awful!

Practically you can call endometriosisuk helpline for advice on how to advocate for yourself. Your Mum can call for you if you’re too poorly. The opening times are on the website.

Somehow you will find a way through this mess - sending much much love 💗

Daisy2212 profile image
Daisy2212 in reply to 635703

Thank you for your kind words, and I’m sorry you had to go through this too. I will check out what you recommend! Once again thank you for your kindness ❤️,

GrittyReads profile image

So sorry for all you've been through - and horrifying to hear that this is still, still, still happening. I'm 65, now... but went through all of this for most of my teen and adult life, except when I was on the pill (which I imagine were made of much stronger, nastier stuff when I was taking them in teens, 20s, 30s). In my 50s, a mirena did help me until menopause (I never wanted children) though I did have mine inserted under anaesthetic. I found the 'average' removal of endo tissues (as done under laps) only ever gave a few months relief. You need to get your practice's 'best' Gp to send you to the best 'Endo Gynae' in your area (or even beyond: your GPs can arrange for you to see the best people, anywhere, if the case warrents it ... they just don't advertise this).

Also, you should 'already' be seeing the best Endo people in your area, and they should not be removing tissue on a first lap. They are supposed to assess your situation and then send you to the person who is best for your condition - eg, if you have endo on your bowel, the general 'endo Dr' cannot remove it, that requires an 'Endo/bowel specialist. With your laps, if they only remove the easy, obvious endo-tissue it often just regrows again. An initial lap exam. should really just determine exactly what is going on - everywhere - in the abdominal cavity, and the report from that should then decide what is done next. It's possible you need to see a specialist Endo team (a BSCG team): there will be one in your area, your GP should know.

Also, I agree with 635703 - above - talk to the people at Endo UK (info top right). They host this page and should be able to advise you. Plus they may have an 'Endo UK Advice/Chat Team' in your area, with 'helpers' from Endo Uk, plus people local to you who are in the same situation. There are several near me in wildest Devon, so just ask the 'Endo UK' people when you ring/email. Hope this helps, take care, thinking of you, Gritty

Tee85 profile image

Nancy's nook on Facebook they will have a list of specialist surgeons that are trained specifically in endometriosis and that also offers guidance with this condition. I'm in Ireland but I'm sure this charity organization can help you with information or point you to a charity in your area. They are on Instagram too: endometriosis Ireland (Endometriosis Association of Ireland) they have a really good leaflet on info too. You need to also have a good GP that will listen to you and how this condition is impacting your life and offer support. That GP will be the person to refer you on for a laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is the only way to fully diagnose endometriosis lesions but you need a surgeon that is capable of identifying all types of lesions and using the " gold standard treatment approach called "excision" not "ablation". Ablation(burning of cell surfaces) is only where or when appropriate but the lesions often grow bk requiring more surgery. The goal is to limit the amount of surgery you may need in your life time. If excision is given this cuts the lesions out thereby removing the lesions completely. Look up Dr cook he has many books on endometriosis and Dr sinervo I think it's spelt. If you YouTube endometriosis Ireland they have a video where he answers questions on this condition.. I find limiting the amount of dairy the week of my period and the week before helps me and also eating an anti-inflammatory diet the week leading up to my period and a few days into my period. Don't be deterred and don't beat yourself up. Yes this condition sucks and there is no cure but with the right approach and learning the correct facts about it you can and will manage this and have a full wonderful life. There are lots of people on Instagram that will support you to. #endocommunity they have individual accounts. You can look mine up to get you going: it's called, tee_and_chats

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