Hello, I have endo and polycystic ovaries and I’m using the mirena coil to treat this. However I have hair loss and have lost a lot of hair in the back of my head. Has anyone ever experienced hair loss with the coil? If so what have you done for treatment? Thanks
Endo using mirena coil and hair loss - Endometriosis UK
Endo using mirena coil and hair loss
Are you 100% sure it’s the mirena? Hair loss can also be caused by stress and the covid pandemic was a prime example of this. Stress may seem minute so you may not realise just how stressed you are until it has affects on your body. If not, definitely seek a trichologist x
Hair loss is a known side effect of any hormone treatment and indeed any medication.
It is actually not such a rare one as people imply with hormonal birth control though the figures for Mirena say about 1%. More and more women are reporting hair loss due to using hormonal birth control.
The only way to stop it is to stop the treatment. In your case it will be getting the coil removed. You will need to discuss this with a doctor and decide if you can put up with it. Be aware you may have difficulty getting your coil removed on the NHS.
I've had hair loss on the cerazette pill and no medical professional believed me, that is until I saw the prescriber in person and she saw that all my permanently dyed hair was no longer there. Anyway I stopped taking the pill - it didn't work for me anyway - and my hair grew back within a few months.